Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa pubblicato il 08/09/2016

Requena / Gandía - 200.6km


profilo altimetrico 18a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016

profilo altimetrico ultimi km 18a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016


Il danese Magnus Cort Nielsen (Orica-BikeExchange) trionfa nella 18a tappa della Vuelta a Espana  © Immagine Unipublic

Il danese Magnus Cort Nielsen (Orica-BikeExchange) trionfa nella 18a tappa della Vuelta a Espana  © Immagine Unipublic

Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa, Requena / Ganda di 200.6 km - Quintana leader in maglia rossa

Thursday, 8 September 2016


Cort sprints to ORICA-BikeExchange's third victory at La Vuelta a Espana


ORICA-BikeExchange sealed their third stage victory at this year’s Vuelta a Espana today with 23-year-old Magnus Cort sprinting to a magnificent win on stage 18 in the Dane's first appearance at a Grand Tour.

A windy, yet mainly uneventful, stage saw an early breakaway of five riders develop a maximum lead of seven minutes before the controlled peloton made the catch with ten kilometres left to race.

ORICA-BikeExchange moved determinedly up the field as the battle for position began and it was Cort who exploded out of the bunch to take his first win for the team after jumping to the left and accelerating brilliantly to the line.

“It’s really fantastic, a big dream come true,” said Cort at the finish. “Our main goal at the moment is the general classification and protecting Esteban Chaves and Simon Yates, but every now and again we get the opportunity to give it a try.”

Read the full report here.


Backstage Pass - Stage 18 La Vuelta


From sex symbol to Grand Tour stage winner... all within 48hours. Enjoy all of the behind-the-scenes footage of today's victory with Backstage Pass here.


Photo Gallery - Stage 18 La Vuelta


23-year-old Dane Magnus Cort claimed the stage 18 victory at the Vuelta a Espana, his first ever Grand Tour appearance.

Re-live all of the action from stage 18 via the photos, courtesy of Graham Watson.


Christian Meier announces his retirement


Canadian Christian Meier has decided to finish his professional racing career at the end of the 2016 season.

Having been a member of the Australian team since it’s inception in 2012, the former Canadian champion has been a huge contributor to the many team victories as a passionate and selfless support rider.

“I have been racing for many years now,” said Meier. “Although I still love the bike and I continue to enjoy riding, my passions outside of cycling have been growing.”

Read the full story here.


LAMPRE-MERIDA ancora in fuga grazie a Cattaneo

LAMPRE-MERIDA once again in a breakaway thanks to Cattaneo

8 settembre 2016 

Una delle rare occasioni per i velocisti si è presentata nella 18^tappa della Vuelta a Espana, la Requena-Gandia di 200,6 km.

Priva di uno sprinter di ruolo, la LAMPRE-MERIDA ha trovato comunque modo di mettersi in mostra e lo ha fatto nella maniera che ha caratterizzato tutta la Vuelta della formazione blu-fucsia-verde: attaccando.

Nella galleria di combattivi della LAMPRE-MERIDA della corsa spagnola, è toccato oggi a Mattia Cattaneo (foto Bettini) tornare in avanscoperta, dopo che aveva già centrato le fughe principali dell'8^ e della 14^tappa.
Il corridore bergamasco è fuoriuscito dal gruppo dopo 8 km di gara, in compagni di Beppu, Jauregui, Rolland e Vervaeke, toccando un vantaggio massimo di 6'50" quando al traguardo mancavano 86 km.

Il lavoro della Etixx-Quick Step in testa al gruppo ha ridotto notevolmente il divario, sceso bruscamente sotto i 2': Cattaneo si è rialzato a 25 km dall'arrivo, gli altri fuggitivi hanno proseguito l'azione per altri 15 km, lasciando poi spazio alle squadre dei velocisti e alla volata a ranghi compatti, nella quale la LAMPRE-MERIDA ha piazzato il giapponese Arashiro in 20^posizione (vittoria di Magnus Cort Nielsen).

Quintana affronterà la cronometro della 19^tappa indossando la maglia rossa.

1- Nielsen 4h51'31"
2- Arndt s.t.
3- Drucker s.t.
4- Bennati s.t.
5- Van Genechten s.t.
20- Arashiro s.t.

1- Quintana 74h30'03"
2- Froome 3'37"
3- Chaves 3'57"
4- Contador 4'02"
5- Yates 6'03"

The 18th stage of the Vuelta a Espana (Requena-Gandia, 200,6 km) offered to the sprinters one of the sporadic chances for them in the Spanish race.

Without having a pure spinter, LAMPRE-MERIDA succeeded anyway in showing the blue-fuchsia-green colors and they did it in the same way they had done during the whole Spanish race, that is attacking.

It was once again Cattaneo's turn to join the main breakaway of the race (photo Bettini): the Italian rider, who had alredy attacked in the 4th and in the 14th stage, escaped from the peloton with four athletes (Beppu, Jauregui, Rolland and Vervaeke) after 8 km in the race, reaching a top advantage of 6'50" at 86 km to the arrival.

When Etixx-Quick Step led the peloton, the gap decreased and the breakaway was neutralized at 10 km to the arrival, however Cattaneo had given up 15 km before.

In the final massive sprint, Arashiro crossed as 20th the finish line, the victory was obtained by Magnus Cort Nielsen.

Quintana will face the time trial of the 19th stage as leader of the race.

1- Nielsen 4h51'31"
2- Arndt s.t.
3- Drucker s.t.
4- Bennati s.t.
5- Van Genechten s.t.
20- Arashiro s.t.

1- Quintana 74h30'03"
2- Froome 3'37"
3- Chaves 3'57"
4- Contador 4'02"
5- Yates 6'03" 

sito internet:

Vuelta a Espana #18: Sprint finale presents another new victor

Sbaragli takes 9th for Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka

Stage 18 of the Vuelta a Espana ended in yet another mass sprint and once again it was a new victor who emerged. Magnus Cort Nielsen (Orica-BikeExchange) was first across the line in Gandia, with Nikias Arndt (Giant-Alpecin) in 2nd and Jean-Pierre Drucker (BMC) in 3rd place.

Today's 200km stage, which started in Requena, presented the sprinters with one of the few opportunities to decide the stage in this year's Vuelta and so it was always going to be hard for the opportunists to try and make an impact on the stage. 5 riders still tried their luck in an early breakaway but with a number of sprint teams happy to help set the pace, the break was always coming back.

Nic Dougall was our man doing a massive amount of work on the front of the peloton today and the South African strongman was able to continue his pacing work right up until 11km to go, when the break was caught. Then our Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka riders focused their energy on delivering Kristian Sbaragli to a good position for the sprint finale.

It was a technical final 10km with numerous roundabouts, changes in direction and road width. Tyler Farrar showed his class though and was able to keep Jaco Venter and Sbaragli at the head of affairs and out of the wind coming into the last 3km. Sbaragli was then left to surf the wheels on the run in home and all looked very promising after the final right hand bend with 600m to go.

There was no team in real control of the sprint though and like the rest of the sprints at this year's Vuelta, it was very much a lottery when trying to pick who might be the strongest wheel to follow. As the riders spread across the road before the line, you could throw a blanket over the top 10 contenders and Sbaragli had to settle for 9th at the finish.

Nic Dougall - Rider
We were hoping a small break would go today so that those teams interested in a sprint, like us, would be able to keep things under control. That was exactly what happened but the five riders up front still got a gap of over 6 minutes, so there was some riding to be done from the peloton. After a really tough Vuelta, I was happy with how I was able to contribute today. Kristian was able to sprint for the win so that was good, that we were in contention once again. Now I'm looking forward to completing this home stretch we find ourselves in, with just 3 stages to go.

Team Dimension Data For Qhubeka

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka was founded in 2007, steadily working its way up from a regional team to now being a World Tour team with bases in South Africa and Italy. It’s also known as Africa’s Team due to its focus on helping African talents to the world stage of cycling. The team races to raise funds for the Qhubeka Charity to mobilise people on bicycles in Africa. To contribute to the #BicyclesChangeLivescampaign, click here.

Qhubeka is an Nguni word that means “to progress”“to move forward”. Qhubeka ( is part of World Bicycle Relief (, a global non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing education, health and economic opportunities by providing simple, sustainable transportation through the power of bicycles.  

Dimension Data ( uses the power of technology to help organisations achieve great things in the digital era. As a member of the NTT Group, we accelerate our clients’ ambitions through digital infrastructure, hybrid cloud, workspaces for tomorrow, and cybersecurity. With a turnover of USD 7.5 billion, offices in 58 countries, and 31,000 employees, we deliver wherever our clients are, at every stage of their technology journey. We’re proud to be the Official Technology Partner of Amaury Sport Organisation, organiser of the Tour de France, and the title partner of the cycling team, Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka.

Learn more about the team at

All images attached to the press release can be used with the respective image credit in combination to this release.


Il danese Magnus Cort Nielsen (Orica-BikeExchange) intervistato dl termine della vittoria nella 18a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna Immagine © TV/Unipublic

Il danese Magnus Cort Nielsen (Orica-BikeExchange) festeggia sul podio la vittoria nella 18a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna Immagine © TV/Unipublic

Ordine d'arrivo 18a tappa Vuelta di Spagna 2016

Nairo Quintana (Team Movistar) sul podio della 18a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna in maglia rossa del leader  Photo   © Javier Belver/Unipublic

Classifica Generale dopo la 18a tappa Vuelta di Spagna 2016

 ;   5951_CARTE 18a t vuelta 16.jpg   5951_PROFIL 18a t vuelta 16 copia.jpg



Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic
Magnus Cort Nielsen vince la 18a tappa della Vuelta - Quintana leader in maglia rossa © PhotoGomezSport/ © Javier Belver/ © Graham Watson/Unipublic