Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ pubblicato il 28/08/2016

SÁBADO 27 AGOSTO - ETAPA 8  - Villalpando / La Camperona. Valle de Sabero 181.5km



profilo altimetrico 8a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016

profilo salita 8a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016

ultiimi km 8a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016


Il russo Sergey Lagutin (Team Katusha) ed il suo scatto vincente nel finale dell'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna Photo TV/Unipublic

Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​  Immagine TV

La Vuelta – Jonas Van Genechten: «C’est plus que génial car je ne pensais pas pouvoir gagner ici»

Vuelta a España 2016

Sergey Lagutin takes stunning win in climbing stage

For a third day in a row Team KATUSHA riders were eager to animate the race by going in strategic breaks and working toward the goal of a stage win. Today’s efforts paid off in spades with Sergey Lagutin able to out-sprint his two breakaway companions to win atop the super steep Alto de La Camperona.

Finally the dream came true. I was dreaming about this since I was little, about winning a stage in a grand tour like the Vuelta. Now it has happened and I still can’t believe it has happened to me. I’m 35 years old and in some ways I was thinking this was probably it, but I hope this makes things start all over for me. Without a big leader here we start with new goals and we’re all free to try something for ourselves when we see the opportunity. We are still competitive and looking forward in this Vuelta. I will be happy and proud of this stage win for the rest of my life. This win gives me more confidence and for sure I will look for other stages. We’ve just started – we have another two weeks ahead of us, - said stage winner Sergey Lagutin.

Part of an original 11-man break that went clear after only 10km of racing on Saturday’s 181.5km stage 8 starting in Villapando, initially teammate Jhonatan Restrepo took a chance to steal a stage win, but was brought back early on the narrow finishing climb. An attentive Lagutin seized the moment to surge ahead, joined by two others, and the trio managed to fight for the finish among themselves. Lagutin showed his patience and experience by waiting for the closing 100m to sprint around Axel Domont (AG2R La Mondiale) to easily distance the others and win the stage in the 71st Vuelta a España by 10-seconds. It was a first grand tour stage win for Lagutin and the blue polka dot jersey of the best climber is now his.

I honestly didn’t expect this. The finish didn’t really fit me. I just caught the right breakaway with some strong climbers and I was able to win the stage. This is the most important victory of my entire career. I’m happy it finally happened to me. We kind of planned our move on the climb. I could see that Restrepo was excited when he attacked and he showed he had good legs. I was able to sit in the wheel of the breakaway, not work and save my energy. All the little things came together for us. All thanks to our sports directors who were talking to us on the radios and telling us what to do. I will try to keep this climbing jersey for the next few days, - said Lagutin. Last week in stage two Lagutin was in a crash that required two left fingers to be taped together for racing. He also suffers from rib pain but has battled on day-after-day and was rewarded for his perseverance with today’s stage win.  

For his efforts and time in the lead today, teammate Jhonatan Restrepo, 21, earned the daily honor of most aggressive rider and took ninth of the stage at 1:30.

This day was very, very hard. Spending the day in the breakaway with Sergey was crazy. The feeling in my legs was good, but the last climb was so hard. I felt good when I attacked, and in the end my work was good for Sergey. I am very happy for this win for Team KATUSHA and for winning the most aggressive rider today, - said Jhonatan Restrepo.

With a late attack of his own, Nairo Quintana (Movistar) moved into the race lead by 19-seconds ahead of Movistar teammate Alejandro ValverdeChris Froome of Team Sky remains in third place at +.27.

Racing continues on Sunday for the second of 3 stages in the mountains. Stage 9 at 164,5km begins in Cistierna and ends in Oviedo on the Alto del Naranco.


Cattaneo torna a brillare: 4° nell’arrivo in salita di La Camperona

Cattaneo shines in the summit arrival at La Camperona

27 agosto 2016 

Ottava tappa della Vuelta a Espana, 181,5 km con partenza da Villalpando e arrivo a La Camperona. Una lunga tavola piatta che si impenna improvvisamente a 8,5 km dal traguardo, ponendo i corridori di fronte a pendenze anche del 20%.

Questo lo scenario dell'impresa sfiorata da
 Mattia Cattaneo (foto Bettini), ragazzo dal grande talento le cui prestazioni sono state troppe volte condizionate da incidenti e problemi fisici.
Il ciclista lombardo ha avuto modo nell'impegnativa frazione di mostrare la sua classe e la buona condizione che lo sta sostenendo, entrando nella fuga di 11 corridori che ha condotto la corsa e che è riuscita a giungere all'imbocco dell'ascesa finale con un confortante margine sul gruppo (vantaggio massimo vicino ai 10').

Sulla salita conclusiva, 
Cattaneo ha scelto di gestire in maniera razionale lo sforzo, perdendo qualche metro dai compagni di fuga nella parte iniziale dell'ascesa, per poi accelerare decisamente nel tratto più duro: una tattica che lo ha portato a quache metro dal trio di corridori che aveva preso la testa della corsa (Lagutin, Domont e Quemeneur) e quindi molto vicino a compiere un'impresa.
Purtroppo, la rimonta è sfumata per poco e Cattaneo ha raggiunto il traguardo in 4^posizione, a 24" da Lagutin.

"Sono contento di essere tornato a vivere le sensazioni di lottare per un grande traguardo - ha sottolineato Cattaneo - Sento di essere in buona condizione, oggi avevo il compito di provare a entrare nelle fughe e sono riuscito a centrare l'azione giusta.
In pianura mi trovo bene, quindi ho pedalato con efficacia fino alla salita conclusiva: ho scelto di affrontare la prima parte con un passo regolare, poi ho cercato di dare il tutto nel tratto più duro, purtroppo la ho mancato per poco la rimonta vincente"

Ha ricevuto un ottimo supporto dai compagni di squadra (buone prove di Grmay e Mario Costa) e ha stretto i denti Meintjes, ancora limitato dalle contusioni e abrasioni rimediate nella caduta nella quale è rimasto coinvolto nella 6^tappa. Al traguardo, il sudafricano è riuscito a limitare a 1'32" il divario dalla nuova maglia rossa Quintana.


1- Lagutin 4h09'30"
2- Domont 10"
3- Quemeneur 17"
4- Cattaneo 24"
5- Serry 40"
33- Meintjes 6'13"


1- Quintana 29h55'54"
2- Valverde 19"
3- Froome 27"
4- Chaves 57"
5- Konig 1'16"
22- Meintjes 4'04"

The course of the eight stage of the Vuelta a Espana, 181,5 km from Villalpando to La Camperona, was a long flat road until 8,5 km to the arrival, where the road reared up on a
climb with maximum degrees of 20%.

This was the scenario of the great performance by Mattia Cattaneo (photo Bettini), who suffered in the past for injuries and crashes which limited heavily his pure talent.
The Italian rider exploited in the summit arrival stage the opportunity to demonstrate his skill and his good condition by joining the main breakaway of the race, with other 10 riders which approached the final climb with a large advantage (maximum advantage 10') which prevented the chasing peloton to bridge the gap.

Cattaneo chose to pedal on a regular pace in the first part of the climb and he was dropped from the breakaway, however he increased the speed in the final and most demanding sector of the hill and he succeeded in recovering positions and in being very close to bridge the gap from the leading trio (Lagutin, Domont, Quemeneur).
Hi was very close to accomplish a great feat, however he crossed the finish line in 4th position (24" to the winner Lagutin).

"I'm happy I lived again those feeling you live pedaling in the front of the race and fighting for achieving a top result - Cattaneo explained - I feel my condition is good and it helped me to join the breakaway: this was my task for today stage and I was in the winning attack. 
I set a low pace in the first part of the climb and I accelerated in the last kilometer, it was a good choice, however Lagutin was stronger".

Meintjes relied on his grit and on the support of his team mates (good performance by Grmay and Mario Costa) in order to limit the gap from the top climbers: the South African rider, who's suffering for the abrasions and contusions which were caused by the crash in which he was involved in the 6th stage, had a gap of 1'32" from the new red jersey Quintana.

1- Lagutin 4h09'30"
2- Domont 10"
3- Quemeneur 17"
4- Cattaneo 24"
5- Serry 40"
33- Meintjes 6'13"

1- Quintana 29h55'54"
2- Valverde 19"
3- Froome 27"
4- Chaves 57"
5- Konig 1'16"
22- Meintjes 4'04"

sito internet:



Vuelta a Espana #8: Jacques Janse van Rensburg climbs to 6th

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka ride to another top 10 placing

Sergey Lagutin (Katusha) won stage 8 of the Vuelta a Espana by being the first from a large breakaway to reach the summit of La Camperona. Axel Domont (AG2R La Mondiale) finished in 2nd and 3rd place went the way of Perrig Quemenuer (Direct Energie). Nairo Quintana (Movistar) climbed his way into the overall lead of the race.

Stage 8 of the Vuelta a Espana presented an interesting course with a pan flat run of 178km into a savage 3km climb that had an average gradient of 13%. The day was one which suited the breakaway, just as it did in 2014 when we raced to the same finish line during our African Team's debut grand tour. Jacques Janse van Rensburg was motivated to make the break of the day and our South African did just that.

Janse van Rensburg joined 10 other riders in the escape and on sweltering hot day, they continually opened up the gap over the peloton. As the finishing climb approached, the gap peaked at 10 minutes for Janse van Rensburg's breakaway and it was certain they would decide the stage.

The attacks started from the break with 9km to go and as Katusha had two riders in the break, they had the upper hand when Jhonatan Restrepo got a gap on the rest of the break. Lagutin was able to sit in and save his legs while Janse van Rensburg had to take responsibility to ensure the attackers were brought back before the climb.

Restrepo reached the climb first but the fresher legs behind soon caught and passed him. Janse van Rensburg was digging as deep as he could but the climb was savage and unrelenting. Lugutin waited until the final 200m to launch his decisive attack and won the stage. Janse van Resnburg came home in an impressive 6th place after a very difficult climb.

The rest our African Team riders all made it home safely and the good news is that Igor Anton is starting to feel a fair bit better after three days of suffering with stomach pain.

Jacques Janse van Rensburg - Rider
I was focused on getting into the break today as we knew there was going to be two races on today. The race for the stage and the race for the GC guys. It was already a good job getting into the move. I felt good all day and was really focusing on doing everything right to give myself and the team the best chance at a stage win. In the end I missed a lot of power and ended 6th after giving my best. I am happy with the end result and am happy knowing that I can be even better.

Team Dimension Data For Qhubeka

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka was founded in 2007, steadily working its way up from a regional team to now being a World Tour team with bases in South Africa and Italy. It’s also known as Africa’s Team due to its focus on helping African talents to the world stage of cycling. The team races to raise funds for the Qhubeka Charity to mobilise people on bicycles in Africa. To contribute to the #BicyclesChangeLivescampaign, click here.

Qhubeka is an Nguni word that means “to progress”“to move forward”. Qhubeka ( is part of World Bicycle Relief (, a global non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing education, health and economic opportunities by providing simple, sustainable transportation through the power of bicycles.  

Dimension Data ( uses the power of technology to help organisations achieve great things in the digital era. As a member of the NTT Group, we accelerate our clients’ ambitions through digital infrastructure, hybrid cloud, workspaces for tomorrow, and cybersecurity. With a turnover of USD 7.5 billion, offices in 58 countries, and 31,000 employees, we deliver wherever our clients are, at every stage of their technology journey. We’re proud to be the Official Technology Partner of Amaury Sport Organisation, organiser of the Tour de France, and the title partner of the cycling team, Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka.

Learn more about the team at

All images attached to the press release can be used with the respective image credit in combination to this release.

L'omaggio dei ciclisti italiani in corsa alla Vuelta di Spagna, alle vittime dell'ultimo terremoto del Centro Italia Photo © Graham Watson/Unipublic

Sergey Lagutin (Team Katusha) festeggia la sua vittoria sul palco dell'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna Photo © J.A. Miguéle/Unipublic

Il russo Sergey Lagutin (Team Katusha) intervistato quale vincitore dell'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna Photo TV/Unipublic

Ordine d'arrivo 8a tappa Vuelta di Spagna 2016

1    Sergey Lagutin (Rus) Team Katusha    4:09:30     
2    Axel Domont (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:00:10     
3    Perrig Quemeneur (Fra) Direct Energie    0:00:17     
4    Mattia Cattaneo (Ita) Lampre - Merida    0:00:24     
5    Pieter Serry (Bel) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:00:40     
6    Jacques Janse Van Rensburg (RSA) Dimension Data    0:00:55     
7    Scott Thwaites (GBr) Bora-Argon 18    0:01:11     
8    Gatis Smukulis (Lat) Astana Pro Team    0:01:30     
9    Jhonatan Restrepo (Col) Team Katusha          
10    Loïc Chetout (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:01:44     
11    Zico Waeytens (Bel) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:02:38     

12    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team    0:04:41     
13    Alberto Contador (Spa) Tinkoff Team    0:05:06     
14    Sergio Pardilla (Spa) Caja Rural-Seguros RGA    0:05:14     
15    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky          
16    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team          
17    Leopold Konig (Cze) Team Sky    0:05:23     
18    Andrew Talansky (USA) Cannondale-Drapac    0:05:30     
19    Daniel Moreno (Spa) Movistar Team    0:05:35     
20    Esteban Chaves (Col) Orica-BikeExchange    0:05:38  
21    Simon Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange          

22    Michele Scarponi (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
23    Gianluca Brambilla (Ita) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:05:43     
24    Davide Formolo (Ita) Cannondale-Drapac          
25    Jean-Christophe Peraud (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:05:47     
26    George Bennett (NZl) Team LottoNl-Jumbo          
27    Lawrence Warbasse (USA) IAM Cycling          
28    Romain Hardy (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:05:51     
29    Samuel Sanchez (Spa) BMC Racing Team    0:05:58     
30    Kenny Elissonde (Fra) FDJ    0:06:00     
31    Romain Sicard (Fra) Direct Energie          
32    David De La Cruz (Spa) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:06:10     
33    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida    0:06:13     
34    Pierre-Roger Latour (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:06:17     
35    Egor Silin (Rus) Team Katusha    0:06:22     
36    Ben Hermans (Bel) BMC Racing Team    0:06:29     

37    Fabio Felline (Ita) Trek-Segafredo          
38    Maxime Bouet (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step          
39    Andrey Zeits (Kaz) Astana Pro Team    0:06:33     
40    Peter Kennaugh (GBr) Team Sky    0:06:34     
41    Hugh Carthy (GBr) Caja Rural-Seguros RGA          
42    Maxime Monfort (Bel) Lotto Soudal    0:06:45     
43    Rudy Molard (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits          
44    Joe Dombrowski (USA) Cannondale-Drapac    0:06:50     
45    José Mendes (Por) Bora-Argon 18    0:06:53     
46    Darwin Atapuma (Col) BMC Racing Team    0:06:55     
47    Tobias Ludvigsson (Swe) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:07:01     
48    Jesus Hernandez (Spa) Tinkoff Team    0:07:08     
49    Mathias Frank (Swi) IAM Cycling    0:07:16     
50    Marcel Wyss (Swi) IAM Cycling​


Il leader della classifica, il colombiano Nairo Quintana (Movistar Team) sul podio dell'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna Photo  © J.A. Miguéle/Unipublic

Il leader della classifica, il colombiano Nairo Quintana (Movistar Team) sul podio dell'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna Photo © Immagine TVUnipublic

Classifica Generale dopo l'8a tappa Vuelta di Spagna 2016


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Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson
Il russo Sergey Lagutin vince l'8a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana nuovo leader ​ © Photo Unipublic by © J.A. Miguélez/Graham Watson