Gesink conquista la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa pubblicato il 03/09/2016

Urdax-Dantxarinea / Aubisque - Gourette - 196.1km 

profilo altimetrico 14a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016

profilo altimetrico salita 14a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016

profilo altimetrico salita 14a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016

profilo altimetrico salita 14a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016

profilo altimetrico salita 14a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016

profilo altimetrico ultimi km 14a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016


Robert Gesink (Team LottoNl-Jumbo) vince la 14a tappa della Vuelta a Espana  © Immagini TV/Unipublic

Gesink vince la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Urdax-Dantxarinea/Aubisque - Gourette di 196.1km, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa   

Questo testo viene mostrato quando l'immagine è bloccata


Vittoria autorevole dell'atleta del Team LottoNL-Jumbo dopo oltre 170 km di fuga. Quarto il compagno di squadra Bennett

Robert Gesink

Treviglio (Bergamo), 3 settembre 2016 - La nuova Bianchi Oltre XR4 ha festeggiato un successo di prestigio alla Vuelta a Espana grazie a Robert Gesink, capace di conquistare sabato 3 settembre la vittoria di tappa sfuggitagli per un soffio pochi giorni prima. Lo scalatore del Team LottoNL-Jumbo è riuscito nell'impresa nella più dura e attesa delle tappe, la numero 14, da Urdatx-Dantxarinea al Col d'Aubisque per 196 km, distanziando sulla leggendaria salita finale gli ex compagni di fuga.

Con la sua Oltre XR4, Gesink è riuscito a regolare negli ultimi metri Kenny Elissonde ed Egor Silin per centrare il ritorno al successo dopo quasi tre anni. Quarto a 31 secondi George Bennett, compagno di squadra di Gesink.

Assieme ai compagni di squadra George Bennett e Victor Campenaerts, Gesink è entrato in una fuga di 41 uomini nata poco dopo il ventesimo chilometro. Bennett si è avvantaggiato con altri cinque atleti in cima al Col de Marie-Blanque, poi sui 16,5 km dell'Aubisque è salito in cattedra Gesink. Il 30enne di Varsseveld ha attaccato ai -10 dall'arrivo, riportandosi sotto e staccando i sei al comando, seguito dal solo Jan Bakelants. Nel finale, l’olandese ha trovato ancora le energie per sfilare Kenny Elissonde ed Egor Silin e trionfare a braccia alzate. Solido fino al traguardo anche il neozelandese Bennett, che risale al 12° posto in classifica generale.

Il Team LottoNL-Jumbo è equipaggiato con quattro modelli Bianchi, fra cui la nuovissima Oltre XR.4, l’innovativo telaio aero con Countervail Carbon Vibration-Cancelling Technology, ottimizzata con l’obiettivo di fornire due vantaggi fondamentali per un telaio aero ad alte prestazioni: il mantenimento della miglior posizione aerodinamica e il controllo del mezzo ad alte velocità. Gli altri modelli sono SpecialissimaInfinito CV e il telaio da crono Aquila CV.

Foto: Il trionfo di Robert Gesink nella quattordicesima tappa della Vuelta a Espana (Credits Bettini Photo). 


Vuelta a Espana #14: Bittersweet emotions on Aubisque stage

Omar Fraile now second in KOM classification

The 2016 Vuelta a Espana saw its queen stage today. Over a course of 196 kilometers from Urdatx-Dantxarinea to the summit of the Aubisque the riders had to tackle 3 cat.1 climbs before reaching the final ascent. It was a day that seemed tailor-made for our African team. Omar Fraile was the first rider to attack. As defending champion in the KOM classification he was keen on flying the flag for Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka out front today. His move dragged 40 other riders along, including team mate Jacques Janse van Rensburg and eventual stage winner Robert Gesink (LottoNL-Jumbo).

Fraile took maximum points atop the Col Inharpu, but it was there that bad luck struck our team once again at this year’s edition of the Vuelta. On the narrow and technical descent Janse van Rensburg crashed onto his shoulder. The 2015 South African road race champion could continue the stage but had to drop back to the peloton. The severity of his injuries is yet to be examined.

Fraile was henceforth the team’s only rider in the break. He managed to take maximum points on the Col de Soudet as well. Later on he couldn’t find the legs though to stay with the break when a small group of riders increased the pace on the Col du Marie Blanque. Kenny Elissonde emerged as the strongest of these. He managed to get the points for the KOM and then continued to dictate the pace at the front of the race in a decimated 6-rider lead group. He and Egor Silin (Katusha) were the only ones to keep up with Gesink, when the latter bridged across on the Aubisque. Crossing the line in second behind Gesink meant that Elissonde would pull on the KOM jersey. Fraile now sits second in this classification, but still has plenty of chances to overtake the Frenchman.

The Marie Blanque was also the turning point for the GC contenders race today. Simon Yates (Orica-BikeExchange) rode away from overall leader Nairo Quintana (Movistar), Chris Froome (Sky) and Alberto Contador (Tinkoff) and opened up a gap of over a minute. In the end he was able to defend that gap. Behind him Quintana desperately tried to ride Froome off his wheel. However, the Tour de France winner proved to be on top of his game today and both crossed the line together. Contador got dropped on the last kilometers, Quintana retained his lead.

Alex Sans Vega – Sports Director
It was a super hard day today. The 2016 Vuelta has already been a really hard race so far and today was not just another tough day. It was the queen stage with 3 cat.1 climbs and an HC summit finish atop the Aubisque. We wanted to be in the break and Omar and Jacques managed to form part of the 41 rider group that went up the road. That was really good. We didn’t expect that the break will stay away, but the GC contenders let the group go. Unfortunately, Jacques crashed on the descent of the first climb and Omar didn’t have his best legs. He managed to get valuable points for the KOM classification and sits second there now. To be able to go onto the podium today would have been nice though. We still have options with Omar during the next few days. Let’s also hope Jacques recovers quickly.

Team Dimension Data For Qhubeka

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka was founded in 2007, steadily working its way up from a regional team to now being a World Tour team with bases in South Africa and Italy. It’s also known as Africa’s Team due to its focus on helping African talents to the world stage of cycling. The team races to raise funds for the Qhubeka Charity to mobilise people on bicycles in Africa. To contribute to the #BicyclesChangeLivescampaign, click here.

Qhubeka is an Nguni word that means “to progress”“to move forward”. Qhubeka ( is part of World Bicycle Relief (, a global non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing education, health and economic opportunities by providing simple, sustainable transportation through the power of bicycles.  

Dimension Data ( uses the power of technology to help organisations achieve great things in the digital era. As a member of the NTT Group, we accelerate our clients’ ambitions through digital infrastructure, hybrid cloud, workspaces for tomorrow, and cybersecurity. With a turnover of USD 7.5 billion, offices in 58 countries, and 31,000 employees, we deliver wherever our clients are, at every stage of their technology journey. We’re proud to be the Official Technology Partner of Amaury Sport Organisation, organiser of the Tour de France, and the title partner of the cycling team, Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka.

Learn more about the team at

All images attached to the press release can be used with the respective image credit in combination to this releases


Robert Gesink (Team LottoNl-Jumbo) intervistato dl termine della vittoria nella 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna Immagine © TV/Unipublic

Robert Gesink (Team LottoNl-Jumbo) festeggia la sua vittoria sul palco della 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna  © Photo Javier Belver/Unipublic

Ordine d'arrivo 14a tappa Vuelta di Spagna 2016

Nairo Quintana (Team Movistar) sul podio della 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna in maglia rossa del leader  Photo   © Javier Belver/Unipublic

Classifica Generale dopo la 14a tappa Vuelta di Spagna 2016


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Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic
Gesink domina la 14a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna, Quintana conserva la maglia rossa © Photo Graham Watson/© Javier Belver/© J.A. Miguélez/Unipublic