3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez pubblicato il 22/08/2016

LUNES 22 AGOSTO - ETAPA 3  - 176.4 km - Marín / Dumbría. Mirador de Ézaro

profilo altimetrico 3a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016

ultiimi km 3a tappa Vuelta a Espana 2016


Le joli triomphe d’Alexandre Géniez

le 22 août 2016 - Tour d'Espagne, Etape 3
Trois ans après une victoire d’étape de la Vuelta acquise à Peyragudes, Alexandre Géniez a offert à son équipe un nouveau très beau succès en s’imposant en solitaire dans la troisième étape au sommet du mur du Mirador de Ezaro.

Au départ de Marin, Alexandre Géniez qui avait délibérément perdu un peu de temps la veille afin de se donner une chance de mener un jour une échappée victorieuse, a vu son plan converti en un bonheur exceptionnel. Vainqueur, il a également endossé le maillot à pois conquis la veille par Laurent Pichon, le maillot vert du classement par points et le maillot blanc du combiné. « Ca ne m’était jamais arrivé chez les pros, dit-il, une seule fois dans la Ronde de l’Isard quand j’étais amateur ».

Après 18 kilomètres et sous une forte chaleur, ils étaient 7 coureurs en tête, Alexandre étant accompagnés, notamment, de Pieter Serry (Etixx-Quick Step) et Simon Pellaud (IAM) qui étaient encore avec lui au pied de l’ascension finale tandis que le peloton effectuait un reproché très rapide, de 7 minutes à moins de 2 minutes.

Après avoir contribué à maîtriser Pellaud qui avait fait le forcing dans les deux premières ascensions de cette étape, Alexandre a été impérial. Simon pellaud a rapidement payé ses efforts et Pieter Serry, dont il se méfiait, n’a pas pu s’opposer à lui sous la flamme rouge. Sans se désunir et bien que sachant la tête du peloton revenue à moins de 30 secondes, le grimpeur de l’équipe FDJ a levé les bras. Sans rien cacher de son immense bonheur.

Que représente cette victoire après une saison difficile?

C’est une récompense. Mon début de saison était assez bon et je m’étais bien motivé pour le Tour d’Italie mais je suis tombé dans la troisième étape, je n’ai rien pu faire. Un mois après, on a découvert une fracture du poignet, j’ai été plâtré encore 1 mois. J’ai repris le vélo début juillet et j’ai fait le maximum pour revenir en forme. Je suis comblé de remporter cette étape. C’était l’objectif sur cette Vuelta. Je suis vraiment très très content.

Sentiez-vous que vous aviez la condition pour gagner une étape aussi dure ?

Je savais qu’il fallait m’échapper dans une étape dure. De là à dire que j’avais la condition… Je n’ai pas beaucoup de jours de course dans les jambes. J’avais vu que la condition venait bien avec ma victoire d’étape dans le Tour de l’Ain mais il faut prendre des risques pour gagner. On ne sait jamais si l’échappée va prendre 5 ou 6 minutes, comment le peloton va réagir… Il faut y aller.

Qu’est-ce qui a rendu cette étape aussi dure ?

La chaleur en premier lieu. Même si on a déjà eu des étapes plus chaudes sur la Vuelta, il faisait très très chaud. Surtout dans la dernière montée. La vitesse était réduite, il n’y avait pas de vent, beaucoup de monde. C’était une montée très exigeante, avec des pentes à plus de 20%, des parties en béton… C’était vraiment une montée très dure. Je savais que le peloton revenait. Il ne fallait pas réfléchir et tout donner. J’ai passé la ligne à bout de forces mais la joie de gagner fait oublier le mal de jambes.

Déjà vainqueur d’étape il y a 3 ans à Peyragudes, vous êtes un habitué des bons coups sur la Vuelta ?

C’était une étape vraiment différente, plus tardive dans la Vuelta. Le Tour d’Espagne est une course particulière, toujours une difficile avec la chaleur. Je n’aime pas spécialement ma chaleur donc c’est une course difficile pour moi. J’ai de la chance cette année, le parcours longe l’océan, ça apporte un peu de fraicheur. C’est une des trois plus grosses courses de l’année avec le Giro et le Tour. C’est vraiment une joie de gagner ici.

Comment avez-vous réagi à l’attaque de Simon Pellaud ?

On va dire que ça nous a tous un peu surpris qu’il soit devant. En début d’étape, pas mal de coureurs se battaient pour le maillot de la montagne. Il a continué son effort. Il est jeune. Stratégiquement, je ne pense pas que c’était la meilleure chose à faire, il y avait plus à gagner à rester ensemble et collaborer un maximum pour gagner du temps. Il a joué son coup mais il y avait beaucoup trop de plat pour y arriver seul. Dans l’Alto de l’Estaio, il était le plus fort et il a attaqué au bon moment, on s’est un peu regardé derrière. Au sommet, je suis à 50 mètres de lui, j’attends les autres. Si on avait voulu rentrer on aurait pu tout donner mais une étape ça fait 170 bornes, il faut aussi réfléchir.


Meintjes regolare sul Mirador de Ezaro, Conti vivace

Meintjes with a regular pace on Mirador de Ezaro, Conti attacks

22 agosto 2016 

La Vuelta a Espana ha proposto le prime asperità, disegnando un finale interessante per la 3^frazione della corsa spagnola, la Marin-Dumbria Mirador de Ezaro di 176,4 km, con arrivo posto in cima a uno strappo di 1300 metri con pendenza media del 13,8%.

La strada in salita (prima dell'arrivo, il gruppo ha affrontato anche l'Alto de Lestaio, 3^categoria, al km 118 e l'Alto de Paxareiras, 2^categoria, al km 155,4) ha fornito alcuni segnali discreti relativi alla condizione dei corridori della LAMPRE-MERIDA, con Meintjes al traguardo in 13^posizione a 56" dal vincitore Geniez e Conti (foto archivio Bettini) vivace nelle prime rampre del Mirador de Ezaro.

Gara condotta a lungo da sette attaccanti (Smukulis, Geniez, Serry, Pellaud, Cousin, Selig e Arroyo), scattati dal gruppo subito dopo 20 km di battaglia a inizio tappa e arrivati a toccare un vantaggio massimo di 7'.
Il gruppo ha accelerato decisamente il proprio passo nell'approccio alla salita finale, imboccandola con 2' di ritardo dal trio di fuggitivi che erano riusciti a mantenere la testa della corsa, ovvero Pellaud, Serry e Geniez, con quest'ultimo capace di resistere sulle terribili pendenze e cogliere il successo davanti a Fernandez (21"), il migliore tra gli uomini del plotone e nuova maglia rossa.

"E' un peccato non essere riusciti ad avere un nostro corridore nella fuga: andare in avanscoperta, in azioni ben assortite, è la nostra priorità e oggi abbiamo perso una bella occasione, considerando poi che Geniez ha conquistato il successo - ha spiegato il ds Pedrazzini - Nel finale Conti è stato lesto a prendere la salita nelle prime posizioni, Meintjes ha invece una discreta condizione recuperando terreno nel tratto finale dello strappo grazie al suo passo regolare, dopo che era rimasto attardato di qualche secondo sulle rampe iniziali".

1- Geniez 4h28'36"
2- Fernandez 21"
3- Valverde 26"
4- Froome s.t.
5- Chavez s.t.
13- Meintjes 56"
46- Conti 1'46", 67- Koshevoy 3'22", 70- Arashiro 3'54", 87- Grmay 5'34", 88- Durasek 5'36", 136- Mario Costa 14'12", 142- Cattaneo 14'43", Zurlo s.t.

1- Fernandez 9h16'07"
2- Valverde 7"
3- Froome 11"
4- Chaves 17"
5- Quintana s.t.
42- Meintjes 2'49"


Vuelta a Espana proposed the first ascents in the final part of the 3rd stage, Marin-Dumbria Mirador de Ezaro of 174,6 km with the sumit arrival on a hill of 1300 meters of distance and average with gradient of 13,8%.

The climbing roads (before the final hill, the riders had already covered the Alto de Lestaio, 3rd category at 118 km and the Alto de Paxareiras, 2nd category, at 155,4 km) gave to LAMPRE-MERIDA some fairly good feedbacks from its riders: Meintjes was 13th at 56" to the winner Geniez, while Conti (photo Bettini archive) tried an attack in the early meters of the Mirador de Ezaro.

The stage was led by for long time by seven attackers (Smukulis, Geniez, Serry, Pellaud, Cousin, Selig and Arroyo) who went clear from the bunch after few kilometers in the race and who had a maximum advantage of 7'.
The bunch approached the final hill with a gap of 2' to the three riders who were left leading the race, who were Pellaud, Serry and Geniez, and this last one rider succeeded in defending a small advantage on the chasers, obtaining the victory with 21" on Fernandez, who's the new red jersey.

"We regret the absence of our riders in the main breakaway, because it's our priority to join the interesting attacks and also because Geniez, who was in the breakaway, won the stage - sports director Pedrazzini commented - On the final hill, Conti was fast in approaching the climb in the head positions, Meintjes demonstrated fairly good legs by recovering positions in the second part of the hill thanks to his regular pace, after that he had lost meters in the early part".

1- Geniez 4h28'36"
2- Fernandez 21"
3- Valverde 26"
4- Froome s.t.
5- Chavez s.t.
13- Meintjes 56"
46- Conti 1'46", 67- Koshevoy 3'22", 70- Arashiro 3'54", 87- Grmay 5'34", 88- Durasek 5'36", 136- Mario Costa 14'12", 142- Cattaneo 14'43", Zurlo s.t.

1- Fernandez 9h16'07"
2- Valverde 7"
3- Froome 11"
4- Chaves 17"
5- Quintana s.t.
42- Meintjes 2'49"

sito internet: www.teamlampremerida.com


Vuelta a Espana #3: Igor Anton impresses with 7th on Mirador

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka rider gains time in GC battle

Alexandre Geniez (FDJ) won stage 3 of the Vuelta a Espana, by being the sole survivor from a stage long breakaway. Rueben Fernandez (Movistar) was 2nd on the stage and at the same time took the lead in the general classification while 3rd place went to Alejandro Valverde (Movistar).

The 3rd stage of the Vuelta a Espana was a tough 176km test with 3 categorised climbs coming in the last half of the stage. While the final climb, the Mirador, was only 1.8km long, it had an average gradient of over 13% and ramps peaking at 30%, making it one of the steepest climbs of the year. The general consensus was that the GC contenders would decide the stage but the breakaway had other ideas.

Seven riders formed the early escape of the day and Team Sky began setting the tempo in the peloton. For a large part of the stage, the gap was hanging around the 5-minute mark. When the break reached the Alto de Lestaio with 66km to go, Simon Pellaud (IAM Cycling) upped the tempo in the break by going clear. The Swiss rider was able to push the lead up to just over 7-minutes and then he was later joined by two of his original breakaway partners, Pieter Serry (Etixx-Quickstep) and Geniez.

Team Sky kept controlling the pace in the peloton but it was clear the break would arrive at the foot of the Mirador with a healthy lead. With 1.8km to go, the leading trio started the final climb 2'15" ahead of the peloton. Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka were riding hard in the approach to the climb in order to give Igor Anton a good starting position for the steep ramp.

Movistar were the aggressors from the peloton as their trio of Ruben Fernandez, Alejandro Valverde and Nairo Quintana attacked on the lower slopes of the climb. Esteban Chaves (Orica-BikeExchange) was the only other rider able to follow the pace of the Spanish team. Chris Froome (Team Sky) and Anton did not respond immediately to the violent acceleration but both riders rode a consistent tempo to claw back the 3 Spaniards and Colmbian with a few hundred meters to go.

Geniez had enough left in the tank to survive to the finish and win the stage, while the other two escapees would be caught by the GC contenders. Anton followed Quintana home to take an impressive 7th place on the stage for our African Team. Anton's result saw him shoot up the general classification from 72nd to 14th position. 

Igor Anton - Rider
I like the Vuelta and today I knew the final climb very well. It was really hard which was very good for me. The most important thing was to start the race with a good condition and so today's result has been good for my confidence. I know there is still a long way to go but I was really happy with how today finished.

Team Dimension Data For Qhubeka

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka was founded in 2007, steadily working its way up from a regional team to now being a World Tour team with bases in South Africa and Italy. It’s also known as Africa’s Team due to its focus on helping African talents to the world stage of cycling. The team races to raise funds for the Qhubeka Charity to mobilise people on bicycles in Africa. To contribute to the #BicyclesChangeLivescampaign, click here.

Qhubeka is an Nguni word that means “to progress”“to move forward”. Qhubeka (qhubeka.org) is part of World Bicycle Relief (worldbicyclerelief.org), a global non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing education, health and economic opportunities by providing simple, sustainable transportation through the power of bicycles.  

Dimension Data (dimensiondata.com) uses the power of technology to help organisations achieve great things in the digital era. As a member of the NTT Group, we accelerate our clients’ ambitions through digital infrastructure, hybrid cloud, workspaces for tomorrow, and cybersecurity. With a turnover of USD 7.5 billion, offices in 58 countries, and 31,000 employees, we deliver wherever our clients are, at every stage of their technology journey. We’re proud to be the Official Technology Partner of Amaury Sport Organisation, organiser of the Tour de France, and the title partner of the cycling team, Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka.

Learn more about the team at www.africasteam.com

All images attached to the press release can be used with the respective image credit in combination to this release.

Il francese Alexandre Geniez sul podio della 3a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna Photo © Unipublic

Ordine d'arrivo 3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna 2016


Il leader della classifica, lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez nella 3a tappa della Vuelta di Spagna Photo © Unipublic

Classifica Generale dopo la 3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna 2016






3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic
3a tappa Vuelta di Spagna al francese Geniez, nuovo leader in maglia rossa lo spagnolo Ruben Fernandez © PHOTO Unipublic