SCACCO MATTO di VAN AVERMAET nella 5a tappa del TOUR DE FRANCE: FUGA, TAPPA E MAGLIA GIALLA per il belga della BMC pubblicato il 06/07/2016
Il successo strepitoso del belga Greg Van Avermaet e la maglia gialla nella 5a tappa del Tour de  France © ASO/G.Demouveaux

5a tappa mercoledì 6 luglio - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran

Planimetria 5a tappa

Altimetria 5a tappa

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Profilo salite 5a tappa

ultimi km 5a tappa

Il successo strepitoso del belga Greg Van Avermaet nella 5a tappa del Tour de  France © ASO/G.Demouveaux


 Nella generale ARU sempre 8° in compagnia di FROOME e QUINTANA, sulle salite odierne NIBALI cede puntando sulla preparazione per RIO e CONTADOR dopo le cadute nelle prime tappe soffre l'ascesa finale.

Van Avermaet Solos to Tour de France Stage Win and the Yellow Jersey

6. July 2016, Le Lioran (FRA) — ROAD TEAM

Greg Van Avermaet pulls on the Yellow Jersey for the first time in his career. (c) Tim De Waele/

It was a dream come true for Greg Van Avermaet who put in a stunning solo effort that saw him win stage 5 and take the leader’s Yellow Jersey at the Tour de France.

Van Avermaet’s incredible performance sees him with a strong lead in the General Classification, 5’11” in front of Julian Alaphilippe (Etixx-Quick Step), and 5’13” in front of Alejandro Valverde (Movistar Team).

An early breakaway of nine riders including Van Avermaet formed and established a solid lead of over ten minutes in the first 100 kilometers. Van Avermaet attacked from the breakaway with Thomas De Gendt and Andrei Grivko with 120 kilometers to go.

Grivko was dropped as they approached the final four climbs, leaving Van Avermaet and De Gendt to battle it out for the victory.

Van Avermaet attacked again with 17.5 kilometers to go and powered on to solo to the second Tour de France stage win of his career and first time he has worn the Yellow Jersey.

Quotes of the Day

Greg Van Avermaet: 

“It feels great. I was never dreaming about the Yellow Jersey but it is a big dream that has come true. I was happy with the stage win last year, but now another stage win and the Yellow Jersey, I think it’s once in a lifetime for me and I’m going to enjoy it as much as possible tomorrow.”

“I felt pretty good. Grivko was not working at the beginning, Majka was not working, so me and Thomas De Gendt did a really good job. We were the strongest guys from the break I think, and we made the race hard and we saw that the peloton wouldn’t come back on this steep climb. I felt pretty good and I just went on my own because I was strong enough to hold it to the line.”

“I think for my type of rider it’s really hard to get the Yellow Jersey and I’m so happy that I have it. The stage win is something but wearing yellow is the most beautiful thing I think for a cyclist.”

Greg Van Avermaet celebrates his win (c) Tim De Waele/

Yvon Ledanois:

“It was always the plan to put Greg in the breakaway today. We knew it was a stage for the breakaway but it wasn’t easy and as well as Greg we also had Amael Moinard and Michael Schar who were looking out for it. It was a fast, hard stage. When we saw the nine riders who had made it we knew it was a good, strong breakaway. The gap got out to well over ten minutes. I’m happy for Greg, I’m happy for the team, I’m happy for BMC Switzerland, and I’m happy for Andy Rihs. It’s always important to take the Yellow Jersey, especially for the sponsors. Not many teams get the chance to wear the Yellow Jersey or win a stage, and to do both in the same day is really special. It’s a good day for BMC Racing Team.”

Richie Porte: 

“I was comfortable. Tejay and I have shown that we can work together and Damiano Caruso worked well and put us in a really good position. I knew that those descents were going to be crucial. At the end of the day, it’s a great day for the team. It’s not nice to have lost time like that [flat tire on stage 2] but you know, you just keep fighting each day I suppose. The signs are good, I had good legs and it’s quite exciting.”

Tejay van Garderen: 

“Greg certainly looked like he had good form today. It was a super impressive ride and great for the team, and great for Greg as well with the season he’s had, so he really deserves it. Tomorrow I’m sure we’ll help to control the breakaway but I don’t even expect us to have to do much work to bring them in because the sprinters’ teams will probably want to pull back the breakaway. I think we’ll just enjoy the day in yellow, stay relaxed and get ready for the Pyrenees.”


Lotto Soudal: A dream come true for Thomas de Gendt, he will wear the polka dot jersey tomorrow

The fifth stage in this Tour de France was the first one that contained a few heavy obstacles. The peloton had to cover six climbs, the hard part of this stage was situated in the final 35 kilometres. The speed was very high right from the beginning so the break wasn’t formed immediately. After about twenty kilometres a few riders were able to get away. Who else than Thomas De Gendt was part of the nine-man break. The escapees obtained a nice advantage as the peloton didn’t react on it. A few moments later, the front group was reduced to three riders. De Gendt, Van Avermaet and Grivko had gone clear, their lead was more than fifteen minutes at a certain moment. The chasing group of six riders remained in between the front group and the peloton for almost the whole day.

On the first of three tough climbs in the finale, Grivko was dropped in the front of the race. Just before that, Movistar decided to pull at the front of the peloton and therefore the lead shrunk very fast. A lot of riders were dropped at that moment. After that, Van Avermaet accelerated on the penultimate climb of the day. Unfortunately, De Gendt was unable to follow him. Van Avermaet won the stage after a solo of seventeen kilometres and is the new leader on GC. Thomas De Gendt finished second, his fantastic performance was rewarded with the prize of the most combative rider. De Gendt was very attentive during the day and he managed to win three KOM sprints. Therefore he’s the new leader in that classification so he may wear the polka dot jersey tomorrow. Naturally, Thomas is very happy with his performance.

Thomas De Gendt: “It wasn’t clear yet whether I would join the break this morning because I thought it might be wiser to save some strengths for the final week. But it was obvious from the beginning that a few strong riders were willing to be part of the break so I decided to join them. We got a lot of advantage from the peloton because no one was a threat to the GC riders. Van Avermaet was the best placed rider at twenty seconds but the GC riders don’t expect that he will play a role in the mountain stages. The cooperation in the front group was gone after a while so we decided to continue the break with three riders. We weren’t sure whether Grivko would be good or not. Greg and I decided that he mustn’t win today’s stage because he didn’t do his part of the job. Eventually he was dropped on the fourth climb of the day. Van Avermaet accelerated on the penultimate climb and it was clear that he was stronger than me. I’m a bit disappointed of course but I realize that Greg was simply the best today. He really deserved this victory.”

“It was clear that the KOM sprints would be today's goal from the moment that I was part of the break. I was able to win three sprints and therefore I may wear the polka dot jersey tomorrow. Wearing that jersey is a big dream. I was never able to wear a jersey in a Grand Tour so I’m really happy. Obtaining the prize of the most combative rider and the polka dot jersey is a nice consolation prize. I’ll try to defend that jersey for at least one day, after that it will depend on how the Tour will evolve. Today’s stage will affect my condition as it was a very hard day. We rode more than 200 kilometres in the front of the race so I’ll need some time to recover. We’ll see if there are any other opportunities later in this Tour de France.


Meintjes, buona prestazione dopo una caduta

Meintjes, good performance despite a crash

6 luglio 2016 

Dopo le brevi e non impegnative ascese dei giorni scorsi, il Tour de France ha proposto nella 5^ tappa (Limoges-Le Lioran, 216 km) le prime vere salite, racchiuse nel finale del percorso (tre Gpm di 3^categoria e due Gpm di 2^categoria, oltre a un colle di 4^categoria in avvio di gara).

Proprio il termine della Cote de Saint-Léonard de Noblat, dopo 22 km di corsa, è stato terreno fertile per l'attacco di 9 corridori che sono riusciti presto a prendere il largo sul gruppo, toccando un vantaggio massimo di 15'10”.
Il drappello dei fuggitivi si è successivamente frazionato e un trio composto da Van Avermaet, De Gendt e Grivko ha distanziato Huzarski, Majka, Vachon, Pauwels, Sicard e Gautier.
Il coraggio dei fuggitivi ha premiato Van Avermaet, al traguardo in solitaria e con un vantaggio di 2'34” sul primo inseguitore De Gendt.

Alle spalle dei fuggitivi, Meintjes (in foto Bettini, alla partenza) viveva un momento di emergenza quando, nei primi chilometri del Pas de Peyrol, veniva coinvolto in una caduta in gruppo, travolto da un corridore che lo seguiva e che non è riuscito a frenare in tempo: ripartenza e recupero immediato per il ciclista della LAMPRE-MERIDA, solo lievemente dolorante al polso sinistro, una contusione che non lo ha comunque limitato lungo l'ascesa, condotta dalla Movistar a un'andatura molto sostenuta che ha fortemente selezionato il gruppo.
Tra i numerosi corridori che hanno perso contatto o che non hanno voluto forzare il passo, c'era anche Rui Costa.

Meintjes, con al fianco per lunghi tratti Grmay, ha scollinato il Gpm con il gruppetto dei migliori scalatori e ha proseguito la buona prestazione anche sulle seguenti ascese del Col du Perthus e del Col de Font de Cère, tagliando il traguardo in 23^posizione a 5'07” da Van Avermaet.

Nella classifica generale, lo scalatore sudafricano è entrato nella top 20, installandosi al 19° posto a 5'28” dalla nuova maglia gialla Van Avermaet.

“Sono soddisfatto di come ho pedalato sulle salite, ho trovato buone sensazioni e sono sempre rimasto con la testa del gruppo – ha sottolineato Meintjes – Purtroppo c'è stato un contrattempo all'inizio della salita più impegnativa della tappa, avevamo percorso circa 135 km di gara e davanti a me alcuni corridori sono caduti, io ho frentato ma da dietro mi hanno colpito e sono finito a terra.
Nulla di grave, per fortuna

La 6^frazione offrirà potenzialmente una nuova occasione ai velocisti, con l'arrivo a Montauban, 190,5 km dalla partenza da Arpajon-sur-Cère.

1- Van Avermaet 5h31'36”
2- De Gendt 2'34”
3- Majka 5'04”
4- Rodriguez s.t.
5- Martin s.t.
23- Meintjes s.t.
60- Rui Costa 13'45”73- Grmay s.t., 102- Durasek 23'45”, 103- Pibernik s.t., 135- Bono 25'14”, 171- Arashiro s.t., 186- Polanc 28'34”, 192- Cimolai s.t.

1- Van Avermaet 25h34'46”
2- Alaphilippe 5'11”
3- Valverde 5'13”
4- Rodriguez 5'14”
5- Froome 5'17”
19- Meintjes 5'28”


After the short and not demanding climbs which characterized the early days of the Tour de France, in the 5th stage (Limoges-Le Lioran, 216 km) the cyclists covered the real climbs, which were all in the final part of the course (three climbs of 3rd category and two climbs of 2nd category, in addition to one 4th category hill.

This easy climb, the Cote de Saint-Léonard de Noblat after 16,5 km in the race, was the ket moment of the stage where 9 riders attacked from the peloton. They easily increased the gap from the bunch and they had a maximum advantage of 15'10”.
Later in the stage, three riders (Van Avermaet, De Gendt and Grivko) counter attacked and could distance the other 6 cyclists (Pauwels, Huzarski, Majka, Gautier, Sicard and Vachon) and Van Avermaet, who could rely on a very good condition, could attack again for a solo arrival which gave him the stage victory (2'34” on De Gendt) and the yellow jersey.

Behind the breakaway, Meintjes (in Bettini photo) lived a key moment when he was involved (no physical consequences) in a crash in the early kilometer of the Pas de Peyrol, being hit by a rider who was following him when the Sout African climber used the brakes for stopping his bike because a crash had occurred ahead.

Meintjes succeeded in coming back quickly in the group, which started to race at a very high speed, led by Movistar. The intense pace selected the group and many riders were dropped or decided to keep a lowe pace (Rui Costa was one of them), however Meintjes had no problem in pedaling with all the other top climbers (he received a good support from Grmay), also on the following climbs of Col du Perthus and Col de Font de Cère: the South African young talented athlete was 23rd at the arrival, with the same time of the other general classification contenders (5'07” to Van Avermaet).

In the overall classification, LAMPRE-MERIDA's climber entered in the top 20, being now 19th at
5'28” to Van Avermaet.

I'm satisfied with my performance, I had good feelings which allowed me to be always with the top climbers – Meintjes said – Of course I was involved in a crash: some riders felt in front of my, I stopped my bike, but some athlete behind me hit me, fortunately I only hit my right wrist but I feel there's nothing serious which did not prevented me to complete a good performance in this stage”.

The 6th stage will probsbly offer a new chance to the sprinters on the arrival in Montauban, 190,5 km from the start from Arpajon-sur-Cère.

1- Van Avermaet 5h31'36”
2- De Gendt 2'34”
3- Majka 5'04”
4- Rodriguez s.t.
5- Martin s.t.
23- Meintjes s.t.
60- Rui Costa 13'45”73- Grmay s.t., 102- Durasek 23'45”, 103- Pibernik s.t., 135- Bono 25'14”, 171- Arashiro s.t., 186- Polanc 28'34”, 192- Cimolai s.t.

1- Van Avermaet 25h34'46”
2- Alaphilippe 5'11”
3- Valverde 5'13”
4- Rodriguez 5'14”
5- Froome 5'17”
19- Meintjes 5'28”

sito internet:

Greg Van Avermaet intervistato dopo l'arrivo - Immagine TV

Ordine d'arrivo 5a tappa 103° Tour de France
1    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team    5:31:36     
2    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    0:02:34     
3    Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff Team    0:05:04     
4    Joaquin Rodriguez (Spa) Team Katusha          
5    Daniel Martin (Irl) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:05:07     
6    Bartosz Huzarski (Pol) Bora-Argon 18          
7    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step          
8    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange          
9    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky          
10    Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC Racing Team   
11    Pierre Rolland (Fra) Cannondale-Drapac          
12    Richie Porte (Aus) BMC Racing Team          
13    Romain Bardet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
14    Sébastien Reichenbach (Swi) FDJ          
15    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team          
16    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo          
17    Bauke Mollema (Ned) Trek-Segafredo          

18    Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
19    Sergio Henao (Col) Team Sky          
20    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin          
21    Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ          
22    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team          
23    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida          
24    Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Team Katusha    0:05:16     
25    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team    0:05:18     
26    Mikel Nieve (Spa) Team Sky    0:05:21     
27    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky    0:05:23     
28    Andriy Grivko (Ukr) Astana Pro Team    0:05:26     
29    Daniel Moreno (Spa) Movistar Team    0:05:36     
30    Alberto Contador (Spa) Tinkoff Team    0:05:40     
31    Mathias Frank (Swi) IAM Cycling    0:05:48     
32    Serge Pauwels (Bel) Dimension Data    0:06:03     
33    Cyril Gautier (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:06:24     

34    Damiano Caruso (Ita) BMC Racing Team    0:07:19     
35    Stef Clement (Ned) IAM Cycling    0:08:17     
36    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18          

37    Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) AG2R La Mondiale          
38    Fabrice Jeandesboz (Fra) Direct Energie          
39    Tanel Kangert (Est) Astana Pro Team          

40    Diego Rosa (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
41    Haimar Zubeldia (Spa) Trek-Segafredo          
42    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
43    Alexis Vuillermoz (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:10:18     
44    Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek-Segafredo          
45    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Argon 18          
46    Steve Morabito (Swi) FDJ          
47    Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale          
48    Tom Jelte Slagter (Ned) Cannondale-Drapac    0:12:35     
49    Jarlinson Pantano (Col) IAM Cycling    0:13:01     
50    Luis Leon Sanchez (Spa) Astana Pro Team

67    Paolo Tiralongo (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
68    Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Astana Pro Team


Greg Van Avermaet nuova maglia gialla nella 5a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica generale maglia gialla dopo la 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team    25:34:46     
2    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:05:11     
3    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team    0:05:13     
4    Joaquin Rodriguez (Spa) Team Katusha    0:05:14     
5    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky    0:05:17     
6    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin          
7    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team          

8    Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
9    Pierre Rolland (Fra) Cannondale-Drapac   
10    Daniel Martin (Irl) Etixx - Quick-Step          
11    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo          
12    Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC Racing Team          
13    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange          
14    Romain Bardet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
15    Bauke Mollema (Ned) Trek-Segafredo          
16    Sergio Henao (Col) Team Sky          
17    Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Team Katusha    0:05:26     
18    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team    0:05:28     
19    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida          
20    Sébastien Reichenbach (Swi) FDJ          
21    Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ          
22    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky    0:05:57     
23    Mathias Frank (Swi) IAM Cycling    0:06:08     
24    Serge Pauwels (Bel) Dimension Data    0:06:30     
25    Alberto Contador (Spa) Tinkoff Team    0:06:38     
26    Cyril Gautier (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:06:55     
27    Richie Porte (Aus) BMC Racing Team    0:07:02     
28    Daniel Moreno (Spa) Movistar Team    0:07:20     
29    Mikel Nieve (Spa) Team Sky    0:08:01     
30    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:08:44     
31    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18          
32    Tanel Kangert (Est) Astana Pro Team          
33    Haimar Zubeldia (Spa) Trek-Segafredo          
34    Fabrice Jeandesboz (Fra) Direct Energie    0:09:08     
35    Andriy Grivko (Ukr) Astana Pro Team    0:09:38     

36    Damiano Caruso (Ita) BMC Racing Team    0:09:39     
37    Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) AG2R La Mondiale    0:10:12     
38    Alexis Vuillermoz (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:10:43     
39    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Argon 18    0:10:45     
40    Stef Clement (Ned) IAM Cycling    0:10:51     
41    Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale    0:11:03     
42    Steve Morabito (Swi) FDJ          
43    Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek-Segafredo    0:12:17     
44    Bartosz Huzarski (Pol) Bora-Argon 18    0:12:39     
45    Jarlinson Pantano (Col) IAM Cycling    0:13:22     
46    Luis Leon Sanchez (Spa) Astana Pro Team    0:13:26     
47    Rui Costa (Por) Lampre - Merida    0:13:55     
48    Arnold Jeannesson (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits          
49    Mikel Landa Meana (Spa) Team Sky    0:14:04     

50    Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Astana Pro Team    0:14:06


Peter Sagan maglia verde nella 5a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica a punti maglia verde dopo la 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff Team    150     pts
2    Mark Cavendish (GBr) Dimension Data    146     
3    Marcel Kittel (Ger) Etixx - Quick-Step    142     
4    Bryan Coquard (Fra) Direct Energie    89     
5    André Greipel (Ger) Lotto Soudal    87     
6    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team    67     
7    Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha    56     
8    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step    50     
9    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    48     
10    Edward Theuns (Bel) Trek-Segafredo    45

Julian Alaphilippe maglia bianca nella 5a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica giovani maglia bianca dopo la 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step    25:39:57     
2    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:00:06     
3    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo          
4    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange          
5    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida    0:00:17     
6    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:03:33     
7    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18          
8    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Argon 18    0:05:34     
9    Lawson Craddock (USA) Cannondale-Drapac    0:09:01     
10    Tsgabu Grmay (Eth) Lampre - Merida    0:17:52

Thomas De Gendt maglia a pois nella 5a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica delle montagne maglia a pois dopo la 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    13     pts
2    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team    11     
3    Jasper Stuyven (Bel) Trek-Segafredo    5     
4    Andriy Grivko (Ukr) Astana Pro Team    5     
5    Paul Voss (Ger) Bora-Argon 18    2     
6    Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff Team    2     
7    Armindo Fonseca (Fra) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    1     
8    Vegard Breen (Nor) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    1     
9    Markel Irizar (Spa) Trek-Segafredo    1     
10    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team    1

Classifica squadre dopo la 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    BMC Racing Team    76:56:47     
2    Team Sky    0:03:36     
3    Movistar Team    0:04:12     
4    Tinkoff Team    0:04:51     
5    Astana Pro Team    0:07:17     
6    AG2R La Mondiale    0:08:25     
7    FDJ    0:08:55     
8    Trek-Segafredo    0:12:32     
9    Team Katusha    0:12:41     
10    Etixx - Quick-Step    0:12:48     
11    Bora-Argon 18    0:15:24     
12    IAM Cycling    0:16:50     
13    Cannondale-Drapac    0:20:02     
14    Lampre - Merida    0:21:24     
15    Team Giant-Alpecin    0:21:26     
16    Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:24:53     
17    Orica-BikeExchange    0:30:38     
18    Direct Energie    0:32:23     
19    Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:32:29     
20    Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:39:29     
21    Lotto Soudal    0:47:40     
22    Dimension Data    0:47:56    



Summary - Stage 5  ;

Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux
Istantanee della 5a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 216 km - Limoges / Le Lioran ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux