IL BIS DI CAVENDISH nella 3a tappa del TOUR DE FRANCE - SAGAN IN MAGLIA GIALLA pubblicato il 04/07/2016

3a tappa lunedì 4 luglio - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers

planimetria 3a tappa

altimetria 3a tappa


TV 3a tappa                                                    Ultimi km 3a tappa

La volata al photofinish di Cavendish su Greipel e la maglia gialla di Sagan nella 3a tappa del Tour de France Photo © ASO/A.Broadway



Tour de France #3: Mark Cavendish powers to Le Tour stage win

2nd stage win for Mark Cavendish and Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka at 2016 Tour de France

Mark Cavendish stole the show during stage 3 of the Tour de France by powering to an incredible photo finish sprint victory over Andre Greipel (Lotto-Soudal). It would be the 28th Tour de France stage win of the Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka sprinters career, and his 2nd victory at this year's edition of the race after his stage 1 triumph.

It was a long 223km haul from Granville to Angers, and when only Armindo Fonseca (Fortuneo Vital Concept) tried his luck in the early break, it resulted in a rather pedestrian like stage. Fonseca was allowed a maximum lead of just over 9 minutes as the peloton knew they could bring the lone Frenchman back at will. Thomas Voeckler (Direct Energie) decided to join the lone escapee with 80km to go but being a flat stage, the writing was on the wall, it was going to be a sprint finish.

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka were again looking to deliver Cavendish to prime position for the finale in Angers, after extensive research went into the final kilometers of the stage by our African Team. With 8km to go and the break caught, our African Team started putting its plan into action as Bernhard Eisel lined Reinardt Janse van RensburgEdvald Boasson HagenMark Renshaw up in front of Mark Cavendish.

The young South African, Janse van Rensburg, was instrumental in determining the final result as he put in a huge turn from 6.5km to go until 2.5km to go. Boasson Hagen was then in control as the pelotot went under the kilometer to go banner, before Renshaw piloted Cavendish to prime position from where to launch his sprint. The Manxman came off the wheel of the German champion in the final 150m, as both riders lunged for the line. The finish-line photo showed that Cavendish had won by a mere tyres width over Greipel and Bryan Coquard (Direct Energie) took 3rd place. 

Another incredible win for Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka and Mark Cavendish, who is now, with 28 stage wins, tie 2nd with Bernard Hinault for the most number of stage wins at the Tour de France ever. After today's magnificent team effort, Cavendish moved into the lead in the Green Jersey points competition with 123 points and Peter Sagan (Tinkoff) 2nd, on 116 points.

Mark Cavendish - Rider
I am incredibly happy with this second win at the Tour de France. We planned it for a long time this morning, we had a long team meeting about how the finish would go and it went pretty much exactly how we planned. It's good that the guys stayed calm and collected. It would have been easy for them to have pulled and then got out of the way with the hectic final, but they stayed patient. Edvald stayed patient, Mark stayed patient and then at the right minute I was able to get on Andre Greipel's wheel. I knew he'd hit it early, actually he was stronger than I thought he'd be. Andre has guts, he rides like that. I actually didn't beat him in the sprint, I beat him with the lunge. This is another great win for the team but more importantly, it raises the profile of Qhubeka yet again, and that is the reason we are here.

Team Dimension Data For Qhubeka
Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka was founded in 2007, steadily working its way up from a regional team to now being a World Tour team with bases in South Africa and Italy. It’s also known as Africa’s Team due to its focus on helping African talents to the world stage of cycling. The team races to raise funds for the Qhubeka Charity to mobilise people on bicycles in Africa. To contribute to the #BicyclesChangeLives Campaign, click 

Qhubeka is an Nguni word that means “to progress”“to move forward”. Qhubeka ( is part of World Bicycle Relief (, a global non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing education, health and economic opportunities by providing simple, sustainable transportation through the power of bicycles.  

Dimension Data ( uses the power of technology to help organisations achieve great things in the digital era. As a member of the NTT Group, we accelerate our clients’ ambitions through digital infrastructure, hybrid cloud, workspaces for tomorrow, and cybersecurity. With a turnover of USD 7.5 billion, offices in 58 countries, and 31,000 employees, we deliver wherever our clients are, at every stage of their technology journey. We’re proud to be the Official Technology Partner of Amaury Sport Organisation, organiser of the Tour de France, and the title partner of the cycling team, Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka.

Learn more about the team at

All images attached to the press release can be used with the respective image credit in combination to this release.


Cimolai 14° nel combattutissimo sprint di Angers

Cimolai 14th in thr hard fought sprint in Angers

4 luglio 2016 

Tutti i migliori uomini-jet del gruppo hanno dato vita a un combattuto sprint al termine della 3^frazione del Tour de France, la Granville-Angers di 223,5 km.
Tra di loro, anche Davide Cimolai (foto Bettini), classificatosi al 14° posto nella volata vinta da Cavendish: per il britannico, si tratta del bis, dopo il successo conquistato nella frazione di apertura a Utah Beach.

La corsa ha offerto agli appassionati sportivi il meglio proprio nel finale, dopo che a lungo la tappa era stata condotta dal solingo fuggitivo Fonseca, scattato al chilometro 0 e raggiunto a 85 km dal traguardo da Voeckler, con il gruppo a controllare blandamente la situazione.
Con l'avvicinarsi del traguardo, il duo di testa ha visto il vantaggio (massimo 6'55") crollare drasticamente e venire annullato a 8 km dal termine.

Con le squadre dei velocisti in azione, la LAMPRE-MERIDA ha messo a disposizione di Cimolai l'esperto Bono e il rapido giapponese Arashiro, entrambi efficaci nel portare il compagno di squadra nella prima parte del gruppo.
La volata, lanciata a una distanza lunga rispetto alla linea d'arrivo (come già accaduto nella 1^tappa), ha visto il velocista della LAMPRE-MERIDA tagliare il traguardo in 14^posizione.

"Abbiamo lavorato bene, i miei compagni hanno svolto a dovere il loro compito - ha spiegato Cimolai - Non ho però trovato negli ultimi chilometri le sensazioni che mi aspettavo di avere: le gambe non avevano la potenza necessaria per rilanciare a dovere la velocità, nonostante questo ho tenuto duro, senza però riuscire a entrare nella top 10.
Il traguardo a me più adatto è quello di domani: il lotto degli aversari è di primissima qualità, basta leggere i nomi dei corridori che mi hanno preceduto, ma non mi tirerò sicuramente indietro".

Questo il commento del direttore sportivo Mauduit"La volata di oggi ha ricalcato tutte le peculiarità di un tipico sprint tra i migliori velocisti del mondo: grande intensità nell'ultima parte di gara, agonismo elevato e velocità massima.

Guardando l'ordine d'arrivo, possiamo valutare come Cimolai faccia parte di quei 15 corridori che lottano per un posto nella top 10.
Oggi Davide ha provato a misurarsi in volata, dopo che nella tappa inaugurale non era riuscito a lottare nello sprint: già domani avrà un'occasione più invitante in un arrivo maggiormente favorevole alle sue qualità, con gli ultimi 600 metri in leggera e costante ascesa.

Giornata tranquilla per gli altri nostri corridori, utile soprattutto per ArashiroRui e Meintjes per recuperare in pieno dalle lievi contusioni riportate nelle cadute dei giorni scorsi".

Con Sagan in maglia gialla (Rui Costa 19° a 14" e Meintjes 32° a 25"), la Grande Boucle affronterà la 4^ frazione, la Saumur-Limoges di 237,5 km.

1- Cavendish 5h59'54"
2- Greipel s.t.
3- Coquard s.t.
4- Sagan s.t.
5- Theuns s.t.
14- Cimolai s.t.
39- Rui Costa s.t., 55- Meintjes s.t., 57- Pibernik s.t., 67- Arashiro s.t., 88- Polanc s.t., 143- Durasek 31", 147- Bono 40", 154- Grmay 44"

1- Sagan 14h34'36"
2- Alaphilippe 8"
3- Valverde 10"
4- Froome 14"
5- Barguil 14"
19- Rui Costa s.t.
32- Meintjes 25"


All the best fast riders of the peloton put on stage a hard fought massive sprint at the end of the 3rd stage of the Tour de France, the Granville-Angers of 223,5 km.
In this elite of the world speed specialist, Cimolai (photo Bettini) too had his place, taking part in the sprint, obtaining the 14th place: Cavendish won the race, preceding Greipel.

The stage offered to the fans the best excitement in the final part of the course, after that the race had been led since the km 0 by the solo attacker Fonseca, who was reached at 85 km to the arrival by the Vockler.
The bunch chased without pressure the leading duo, however the pace in the peloton was raised by the sprinters' team while the race was approaching Angers and eventually the breakaway, whose maximum advantage was of 6'55", got neutralized at 8 km to the arrival.

LAMPRE-MERIDA made available for Cimolai the experienced Bono and the Japanese fighter Arashiro, who both favourite their team mate in reaching the head part of the peloton.
The sprint was very long, as it had happened in the first stage, and Cimolai crossed the finish line in 14th position.

"I'm happy for the support I received from my team mates, I thank them because their work was useful - Cimolai commented - Unfortunately, I had not the right feelings, my legs lack the necessary energy in the final 3 km. Even so, I tried to achieve the best possible result, I could not enter in the top 10. 
Tomorrow the arrival will be more suitable for me, I'll try to battle again agains very strong opponents".

Sports director Philippe Mauduit explained that: "Today sprint had all the features of a sprint among the fasters riders in the peloton: high level of intensity, pure agonism in the final kilometers and top speed. 

Taking a look at the stage classification we can consider that Cimolai is one of the top 15 sprinters which are the elite of the speed specialists: today Davide tried to measure up against them, after that he could not complete the sprint of the 1st stage, and probably tomorrow he'll have an even better chance on a course which is more suitable for him, since the arrival will be on a light ascent.

Today stage was easy for the other riders and especially those ones who had suffered light contusions in the crash of the previous stages recovered energies ".

The 4th stage, in which Sagan will wear the yellow jersey (Rui Costa 19th at 14" and Meintjes 32nd at 25") will start from Saumur and will end in Limoges (237,5 km).

1- Cavendish 5h59'54"
2- Greipel s.t.
3- Coquard s.t.
4- Sagan s.t.
5- Theuns s.t.
14- Cimolai s.t.
39- Rui Costa s.t., 55- Meintjes s.t., 57- Pibernik s.t., 67- Arashiro s.t., 88- Polanc s.t., 143- Durasek 31", 147- Bono 40", 154- Grmay 44"

1- Sagan 14h34'36"
2- Alaphilippe 8"
3- Valverde 10"
4- Froome 14"
5- Barguil 14"
19- Rui Costa s.t.
32- Meintjes 25"

sito internet:

Mark Cavendish sul podio come vincitore della 3a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Ordine d'arrivo 3a tappa 103° Tour de France

1    Mark Cavendish (GBr) Dimension Data    5:59:54     
2    André Greipel (Ger) Lotto Soudal          
3    Bryan Coquard (Fra) Direct Energie          
4    Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff Team          
5    Edward Theuns (Bel) Trek-Segafredo          
6    Sondre Holst Enger (Nor) IAM Cycling          
7    Marcel Kittel (Ger) Etixx - Quick-Step          
8    Christophe Laporte (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits          
9    Daniel Mclay (GBr) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
10    Dylan Groenewegen (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo     
11    Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha          
12    Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica-BikeExchange          
13    John Degenkolb (Ger) Team Giant-Alpecin          
14    Davide Cimolai (Ita) Lampre - Merida          
15    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step          
16    Tony Gallopin (Fra) Lotto Soudal          
17    Lawson Craddock (USA) Cannondale-Drapac          
18    Geoffrey Soupe (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits          
19    Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
20    Greg Henderson (NZl) Lotto Soudal   
21    Jens Debusschere (Bel) Lotto Soudal          
22    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky          
23    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team          
24    Luis Leon Sanchez (Spa) Astana Pro Team          
25    Jacopo Guarnieri (Ita) Team Katusha          
26    Bauke Mollema (Ned) Trek-Segafredo          
27    Jurgen Roelandts (Bel) Lotto Soudal          
28    Mark Renshaw (Aus) Dimension Data          
29    Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
30    Oscar Gatto (Ita) Tinkoff Team          
31    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin          
32    Daniel Martin (Irl) Etixx - Quick-Step          
33    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team          
34    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange          
35    Pierre Rolland (Fra) Cannondale-Drapac          
36    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team          
37    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Argon 18          
38    Michael Valgren (Den) Tinkoff Team          
39    Rui Costa (Por) Lampre - Merida          
40    Nelson Oliveira (Por) Movistar Team          
41    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky          
42    Arthur Vichot (Fra) FDJ          
43    Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC Racing Team          
44    Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin          
45    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo          
46    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18          
47    Reto Hollenstein (Swi) IAM Cycling          
48    Markel Irizar (Spa) Trek-Segafredo          
49    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
50    Fabio Sabatini (Ita) Etixx - Quick-Step          

Peter Sagan in maglia gialla nella 3a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica generale maglia gialla dopo la 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff Team    14:34:36     
2    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:00:08     
3    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team    0:00:10     
4    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky    0:00:14     
5    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin          
6    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team          
7    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team          
8    Tony Gallopin (Fra) Lotto Soudal          
9    Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
10    Daniel Martin (Irl) Etixx - Quick-Step     
11    Pierre Rolland (Fra) Cannondale-Drapac          
12    Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica-BikeExchange          
13    Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin          
14    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo          
15    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team          
16    Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC Racing Team          
17    Jurgen Van Den Broeck (Bel) Team Katusha          
18    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange          
19    Rui Costa (Por) Lampre - Merida          
20    Simon Gerrans (Aus) Orica-BikeExchange     
21    Bauke Mollema (Ned) Trek-Segafredo          
22    Romain Bardet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
23    Sergio Henao (Col) Team Sky          
24    Arthur Vichot (Fra) FDJ          
25    Mikel Landa Meana (Spa) Team Sky          
26    Joaquin Rodriguez (Spa) Team Katusha          
27    Mathias Frank (Swi) IAM Cycling    0:00:24     
28    Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Astana Pro Team    0:00:25     
29    Jarlinson Pantano (Col) IAM Cycling          
30    Sébastien Reichenbach (Swi) FDJ          
31    Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ          
32    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida          
33    Luis Leon Sanchez (Spa) Astana Pro Team    0:00:29     
34    Alexis Vuillermoz (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
35    Lawson Craddock (USA) Cannondale-Drapac    0:00:31     
36    Serge Pauwels (Bel) Dimension Data          
37    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
38    Romain Sicard (Fra) Direct Energie          
39    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18          
40    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Argon 18          
41    Tanel Kangert (Est) Astana Pro Team          
42    Haimar Zubeldia (Spa) Trek-Segafredo          
43    Jesus Herrada (Spa) Movistar Team    0:00:35     
44    Cyril Gautier (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
45    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky    0:00:38     
46    Luis Angel Mate (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:00:40     
47    Arnold Jeannesson (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits          
48    Jan Polanc (Slo) Lampre - Merida    0:00:49     
49    Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale          
50    Steve Morabito (Swi) FDJ

Mark Cavendish maglia verde nella 3a tappa del Tour de France  © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica a punti maglia verde dopo la 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Mark Cavendish (GBr) Dimension Data    123     pts
2    Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff Team    116     
3    André Greipel (Ger) Lotto Soudal    79     
4    Marcel Kittel (Ger) Etixx - Quick-Step    77     
5    Bryan Coquard (Fra) Direct Energie    52     
6    Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha    40     
7    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step    35     
8    Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica-BikeExchange    33     
9    Edward Theuns (Bel) Trek-Segafredo    32     
10    Christophe Laporte (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    24

Julian Alaphilippe miglior giovane al termine della 3a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica giovani maglia bianca dopo la 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step    14:34:44     
2    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:00:06     
3    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange          
4    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin          
5    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida    0:00:17     
6    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Argon 18    0:00:23     
7    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18          
8    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept          
9    Lawson Craddock (USA) Cannondale-Drapac          
10    Bryan Coquard (Fra) Direct Energie    0:01:09

Jasper Stuyven leader della classifica dei GPM nella 3a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica delle montagne maglia a pois dopo la 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Jasper Stuyven (Bel) Trek-Segafredo    4     pts
2    Paul Voss (Ger) Bora-Argon 18    2     
3    Armindo Fonseca (Fra) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    1     
4    Vegard Breen (Nor) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    1     
5    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team    1

Classifica squadre dopo la 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Orica-BikeExchange    43:44:30     
2    Team Sky          
3    Movistar Team    0:00:21     
4    FDJ    0:00:22     
5    Astana Pro Team    0:00:26     
6    Cannondale-Drapac    0:00:34     
7    Team Katusha    0:00:35     
8    AG2R La Mondiale    0:00:36     
9    Lampre - Merida    0:00:46     
10    Etixx - Quick-Step    0:00:48     
11    Tinkoff Team          
12    Team Giant-Alpecin          
13    Trek-Segafredo    0:00:49     
14    IAM Cycling    0:01:43     
15    BMC Racing Team    0:01:45     
16    Direct Energie    0:02:05     
17    Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:02:11     
18    Dimension Data    0:03:24     
19    Bora-Argon 18    0:03:41     
20    Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:03:44     
21    Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:04:37     
22    Lotto Soudal    0:07:38    




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Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo ASO/O.Chabe/B.McBeard/A.Broadwa
Istantanee della 3a tappa del 103° Tour de France - 223.5 km - Granville / Angers ©Photo TEAM DIMENSION DATA FOR QHUBEKA