DELIRIO TOUR DE FRANCE nel giorno di DE GENDT, FROOME OSTACOLATO ed APPIEDATO fa il podista all'ultimo km, perde la MAGLIA GIALLA poi riassegnata dalla Giuria. pubblicato il 14/07/2016

12a a tappa giovedì 14 luglio - 184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux

Planimetria 12a tappa

Altimetria 12a tappa

TV 12a tappa

Salita Mont Ventoux 12a tappa: accorciata causa forte vento, arrivo posto 6 km prima della vetta, ai 1435 mt di Chalet Reynard

La vittoria di Thomas
 De Gendt nella 12a tappa del Tour de France - Immagine TV

TOUR DE FRANCE PAZZESCO - Nel finale della 12a tappa del Tour de France ai meno 1500 metri, in mezzo alla folla, Richie Porte che era assieme a Chris Froome in maglia gialla e in fuga dagli altri contendenti alla classifica generale, è caduto sopra una moto, fermata perchè imbottigliata dalla gente assiepata ai lati della strada, e assieme ad altri due corridori incluso Froome, si sono fermati.
La maglia gialla perdendo l'uso della propria bicicletta si è messa a correre a piedi percorrendo verso il traguardo, "non ancora tanto vicino per un podista", circa 150 metri fino a quando non gli hanno recuperato la sua bici gialla, che però era inutilizabile ed il leader della classifica generale non riusciva a pedalarci 
sopra. Morale della brutta favola: il britannico della Sky si è dovuto fermare mentre anche AruQuintana e gli altri avverari lo superavano e quando finalmente ha recuperato una bicicletta nuova, Froome ha chiuso la tappa accorciata del Mont Ventoux, con circa 1 minuto e mezzo di ritardo dagli avversari... Delirio!!

Anche se Froome e Porte hanno terminato la tappa con oltre un minuto di ritardo dai rivali, il primo perdendo la leadership della Grande Boucle, gli ufficiali di gara li hanno entrambi riclassificati con il tempo di 
Mollema, giunto al traguardo a 5'05" dal vincitore De Gendt19 secondi prima del gruppo Quintana che conteneva tutti i top 10, tranne Martin ed Henao. 

In base a questo intervento di "grazia" a favore di Froome, il capitano del Team Sky ha mantenuto la maglia gialla.

Tuttavia se la giuria non avesse apportato modifiche al tempo di Froome, sarebbe toccato ad Adam Yates l'onore di indossare la maglia gialla sul Mont Ventoux, con Mollema secondo nella generale a 9 secondi, Quintana terzo a 14" e Froome in sesta posizione a 53 secondi. 

La tappa se l'è aggiudicata il belga Thomas De Gendt, ma alla luce di quanto di incredibile è accaduto oggi, sincertamente la tappa ha avuto un' altra protagonista, l'organizzazione lacunosa del Tour de France ed una buona dose di sfortuna.




Thomas De Gendt vince la 12a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Thomas De Gendt wins on Mont Ventoux!

Thomas Gendt won the stage to the Mont Ventoux today, the first victory for Lotto Soudal at this year’s Tour de France!

Yesterday the Tour organisation decided to shorten the stage because of the strong wind at the top of the Mont Ventoux. The new finish line was drawn six kilometres before the top, at Chalet Reynard. The question was if the GC riders would battle for the stage win or if a breakaway rider would triumph. Pretty soon a front group of fourteen was created, including Lotto Soudal riders Thomas De Gendt and André Greipel. One of their companions got dropped because of a puncture and so thirteen riders remained in front.
A group of five chasers never managed to join them. The time gap between the front group and the peloton rose up to 18’45”. With 85 kilometres to go it looked rather reassuring for the break, but then some teams decided they wanted some action and tried to create echelons. The first peloton kept coming closer to the leaders and with 33 kilometres to go the time gap was 7’48”. After a crash in the peloton the pace slowed down so the riders involved could come back, that way the gap got bigger again. The winner was one of the riders of the breakaway!


Just before the foot of the Mont Ventoux André Greipel accelerated. He stayed ahead of the others for a short while. The German champion had already done a lot of work during the day for his teammate Thomas De Gendt. Once the climb really started Thomas set the pace, one by one the others got dropped. De Gendt turned out to be one of the strongest riders, together with Dani Navarro and Serge Pauwels. They entered the final kilometre together. The two Belgians left Navarro behind with a few hundred metres to go, then De Gendt beat his fellow countryman at the finish. It is his second stage win in a Grand Tour. In 2012 he won the mountain stage to the Stelvio at the Giro d’Italia. Thomas was also awarded the combativity prize today and he has the polka dot jersey around his shoulders again. De Gendt, who conquered the maximum points at the finish and on two smaller climbs during the stage, now has nine points more than Thibaut Pinot.

Thomas De Gendt: “It was a good front group, the cooperation ran smoothly. I had a strong teammate by my side. During the season I work a lot for André, but today he did so much for me. It was an honour to have a great cyclist like him to support me. On the Ventoux I remained in front with only two others quite soon. I had decided to keep my own pace. I got distanced, but I didn’t panic and stayed in my rhythm. I managed to get back in front. At the end it was difficult to know how far it was till the finish because of the many spectators along the side of the road.  I was surprised when we entered the last kilometre. Serge and I feared that Navarro would still get back, but he didn’t.”

“I am really happy with this victory. It’s difficult to choose between this win and the one on the Stelvio. The Tour is a bigger race, but that Giro stage was the first big victory in my career and it also got me third on GC. Up till now we hadn’t won yet with the team at this Tour. Maybe another stage win will follow now, there are still a few chances for André. At the finish the KOM points were doubled and I own the polka dot jersey again. I still think it is very difficult for someone other than a GC rider to take the jersey home. I only have a small lead. I am keen on joining more breakaways and then we’ll see where it ends.”

“Tonight we will definitely have a drink, but modestly, because we are all thinking of Stig Broeckx. We all were a bracelet with the text ‘Fight for Stig’ and we keep on fighting, with him and his family. We talk about Stig a lot and he’s always on our minds. I dedicate this victory to him.”


Rafal Valls had to abandon the Tour de Pologne today. He has a fracture in his pubic bone due to a crash.


Tour de France #12: Serge Pauwels 2nd on dramatic Le Tour stage

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka place 2 in the top 10 on Ventoux

Stage 12 of the Tour de France was surrounded by controversy but in the end, Thomas De Gendt (Lotto-Soudal) was the stage victor and Serge Pauwels finished in 2nd place for our African Team. Daniel Navarro (Cofidis) was 3rd on the day.

The 12th stage of the Tour de France was already making headlines before the stage even got underway when the organisers had to shorten the stage by 6km, due to high winds at the top of Mont Ventoux. The stage now took in the first 10 kilometers of the Ventoux but riders would not be going all the way to the summit today. The crosswinds before the climb were once again another cause for concern and would certainly play a role in determining the outcome of the stage.

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka were prepared to go for it on Bastille Day though, with Serge Pauwels and Daniel Teklehaimanot part of the very early attacks. Their motivation paid off as our 2 African Team riders formed part of what would be the 13 rider break of the day. With the peloton a bit hesitant to take up the chase too early because of the threat the crosswinds posed, the big lead group were able to ride 18 minutes clear of the peloton.

With such a large advantage it was clear that the breakaway would decide the stage and our African Team were in a great position having Pauwels and Teklehaimanot represented in the front group. As soon as they hit the crowd pack Ventoux, De Gendt forced the early pace and only Pauwels and Daniel Navarro (Cofidis) could follow.

Pauwels then took up the reigns and De Gendt was dropped, only to return to Pauwels and Navarro with 5km to go. He counter attacked almost immediately and this time Pauwles responded while Navarro was dropped. The two Belgians kept testing each other right to the top of the climb but they could not shake one another. It came down to De Gendt powering over the King of the Mountain line first and then holding his effort to the new finish line some 300 meters later. Pauwels came home in a heartbreaking but terrific 2nd place.

Daniel Teklehaimanot also had a good final climb and did well to stay ahead of the yellow jersey group to finish 7th on the stage, giving our African Team two riders in the top 10. A bit further down the road, the yellow jersey race was dramatically affected when race leader Chris Froome (Team Sky), Richie Porte (BMC) and Bauke Mollema (Trek-Segafredo) collided with a race motorbike. The motorbike was forced to stop in the middle of the road as there was just no way through the crowd infested climb. Froome broke his bike and had to resort to running up the final climb while the rest of the GC contenders rode by. Fortunately, the race organisers neutralised that particular situation and Froome kept the yellow jersey.

JP Heynderickx - Sport Director
If we look back at today's stage it was a good team effort because we had 2 guys in a break of 13. On the last climb Serge was very strong. He was in the front and he dropped De Gendt once, but he came back. In the last 2km it just wasn't steep enough to drop him again. If you look back, he came second on a monumental climb, the Ventoux and this is a very good result but it still feels bad when you come so close to the victory and then just miss it.

Team Dimension Data For Qhubeka

Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka was founded in 2007, steadily working its way up from a regional team to now being a World Tour team with bases in South Africa and Italy. It’s also known as Africa’s Team due to its focus on helping African talents to the world stage of cycling. The team races to raise funds for the Qhubeka Charity to mobilise people on bicycles in Africa. To contribute to the #BicyclesChangeLivescampaign, click here.

Qhubeka is an Nguni word that means “to progress”“to move forward”. Qhubeka ( is part of World Bicycle Relief (, a global non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing education, health and economic opportunities by providing simple, sustainable transportation through the power of bicycles.  

Dimension Data ( uses the power of technology to help organisations achieve great things in the digital era. As a member of the NTT Group, we accelerate our clients’ ambitions through digital infrastructure, hybrid cloud, workspaces for tomorrow, and cybersecurity. With a turnover of USD 7.5 billion, offices in 58 countries, and 31,000 employees, we deliver wherever our clients are, at every stage of their technology journey. We’re proud to be the Official Technology Partner of Amaury Sport Organisation, organiser of the Tour de France, and the title partner of the cycling team, Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka.

Learn more about the team at

All images attached to the press release can be used with the respective image credit in combination to this release.


Thomas De Gendt sul podio della 12a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Ordine d'arrivo 12a tappa 103° Tour de France
1    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    4:31:51     
2    Serge Pauwels (Bel) Dimension Data    0:00:02     
3    Daniel Navarro Garcia (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:00:14       
4    Stef Clement (Ned) IAM Cycling    0:00:40     
5    Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Direct Energie          
6    Bertjan Lindeman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:02:52     
7    Daniel Teklehaimanot (Eri) Dimension Data    0:03:13     
8    Sep Vanmarcke (Bel) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:03:26     
9    Chris Anker Sörensen (Den) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:04:23     
10    Bauke Mollema (Ned) Trek-Segafredo    0:05:05    
11    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange    0:05:24     
12    Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team          
13    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida          
14    Romain Bardet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
15    Joaquim Rodriguez (Spa) Team Katusha          
16    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team    0:05:31     
17    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team          
18    Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC Racing Team    0:05:36     
19    Richie Porte (Aus) BMC Racing Team    0:05:05     
20    Daniel Martin (Irl) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:06:30     
21    Sébastien Reichenbach (Swi) FDJ          
22    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin          
23    Daniel Moreno (Spa) Movistar Team          
24    Sergio Henao (Col) Team Sky    0:06:45     
25    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky    0:05:05     
26    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team    0:06:51     
27    Pierre Rolland (Fra) Cannondale-Drapac    0:07:24     
28    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky          
29    Ilnur Zakarin (Rus) Team Katusha          
30    Wouter Poels (Ned) Team Sky    0:07:27     
31    Mikel Nieve (Spa) Team Sky    0:07:54     
32    Iljo Keisse (Bel) Etixx - Quick-Step          
33    André Greipel (Ger) Lotto Soudal    0:09:30     
34    Haimar Zubeldia (Spa) Trek-Segafredo    0:09:35     
35    Damiano Caruso (Ita) BMC Racing Team          
36    Alexis Vuillermoz (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale          
37    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18          
38    Luis Angel Mate (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits          
39    Tanel Kangert (Est) Astana Pro Team          
40    Jarlinson Pantano (Col) IAM Cycling          
41    Cyril Lemoine (Fra) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:10:05     
42    Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek-Segafredo    0:11:41     
43    Anthony Delaplace (Fra) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:12:13     
44    Mikel Landa Meana (Spa) Team Sky    0:12:29     
45    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Argon 18    0:13:40     
46    Jérémy Roy (Fra) FDJ    0:14:11     
47    Amaël Moinard (Fra) BMC Racing Team          
48    Florian Vachon (Fra) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:14:33     
49    Adam Hansen (Aus) Lotto Soudal          
50    Martin Elmiger (Swi) IAM Cycling          

Chris Froome mantiene la maglia gialla sul podio della 12a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica generale maglia gialla dopo la 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky    57:11:33     
2    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange    0:00:47     
3    Bauke Mollema (Ned) Trek-Segafredo    0:00:56     

4    Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team    0:01:01     
5    Romain Bardet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:01:15     
6    Alejandro Valverde (Spa) Movistar Team    0:01:39     
7    Tejay Van Garderen (USA) BMC Racing Team    0:01:44     
8    Fabio Aru (Ita) Astana Pro Team    0:01:54     
9    Daniel Martin (Irl) Etixx - Quick-Step    0:01:56     
10    Joaquim Rodriguez (Spa) Team Katusha    0:02:11     

11    Richie Porte (Aus) BMC Racing Team    0:02:22     
12    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida    0:02:29     
13    Sergio Henao (Col) Team Sky    0:02:36     
14    Roman Kreuziger (Cze) Tinkoff Team    0:03:14     
15    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:04:28     
16    Geraint Thomas (GBr) Team Sky    0:05:51     
17    Pierre Rolland (Fra) Cannondale-Drapac    0:07:35     
18    Sébastien Reichenbach (Swi) FDJ    0:08:02     
19    Damiano Caruso (Ita) BMC Racing Team    0:11:20     
20    Mikel Nieve (Spa) Team Sky    0:14:15     
21    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18    0:14:33     
22    Frank Schleck (Lux) Trek-Segafredo    0:21:44     
23    Tanel Kangert (Est) Astana Pro Team    0:23:07     
24    Alexis Vuillermoz (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale    0:25:29     
25    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:26:14     
26    Haimar Zubeldia (Spa) Trek-Segafredo    0:27:27     
27    Daniel Navarro (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    0:28:54     
28    Stef Clement (Ned) IAM Cycling    0:33:14     
29    Mathias Frank (Swi) IAM Cycling    0:36:16     
30    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:38:32     
31    Mikel Landa Meana (Spa) Team Sky    0:38:48     
32    Jarlinson Pantano (Col) IAM Cycling    0:40:29     
33    Serge Pauwels (Bel) Dimension Data    0:41:55     
34    Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ    0:42:54     
35    Daniel Moreno (Spa) Movistar Team    0:44:43     
36    Domenico Pozzovivo (Ita) AG2R La Mondiale    0:45:06     
37    Ilnur Zakarin (Rus) Team Katusha    0:46:18     
38    Daryl Impey (RSA) Orica-BikeExchange    0:46:38     
39    Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Astana Pro Team    0:48:21     
40    Wouter Poels (Ned) Team Sky    0:50:53     
41    Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff Team    0:52:01     
42    Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Direct Energie    0:52:29     
43    George Bennett (NZl) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:52:42     
44    Steve Morabito (Swi) FDJ    0:53:04     
45    Bartosz Huzarski (Pol) Bora-Argon 18    0:54:52     
46    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    0:55:39     
47    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team    0:55:52     
48    Jan Bakelants (Bel) AG2R La Mondiale    0:56:34     
49    Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:57:21     
50    Amaël Moinard (Fra) BMC Racing Team    0:58:47     

Peter Sagan in maglia verde sul podio della 12a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica a punti maglia verde dopo la 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Peter Sagan (Svk) Tinkoff Team    309     pts
2    Mark Cavendish (GBr) Dimension Data    219     
3    Marcel Kittel (Ger) Etixx - Quick-Step    202     
4    Bryan Coquard (Fra) Direct Energie    125     
5    Michael Matthews (Aus) Orica-BikeExchange    124     
6    André Greipel (Ger) Lotto Soudal    114     
7    Greg Van Avermaet (Bel) BMC Racing Team    112     
8    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    106     
9    Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha    92     
10    Daniel Navarro (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    90

Adam Yates miglior giovane in maglia bianca sul podio della 12a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica giovani maglia bianca dopo la 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Adam Yates (GBr) Orica-BikeExchange    57:12:20     
2    Louis Meintjes (RSA) Lampre - Merida    0:01:42     
3    Warren Barguil (Fra) Team Giant-Alpecin    0:03:41     
4    Emanuel Buchmann (Ger) Bora-Argon 18    0:13:46     
5    Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team LottoNl-Jumbo    0:25:27     
6    Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Fortuneo - Vital Concept    0:37:45     
7    Julian Alaphilippe (Fra) Etixx - Quick-Step    1:00:58     
8    Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Argon 18    1:06:36     
9    Tsgabu Grmay (Eth) Lampre - Merida    1:31:52     
10    Jan Polanc (Slo) Lampre - Merida    1:34:09    

Thomas De Gendt in maglia a pois sul podio della 12a tappa del Tour de France © ASO/A.Broadway

Classifica delle montagne maglia a pois dopo la 1a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    Thomas De Gendt (Bel) Lotto Soudal    89     pts
2    Thibaut Pinot (Fra) FDJ    80     
3    Rafal Majka (Pol) Tinkoff Team    77     
4    Daniel Navarro (Spa) Cofidis, Solutions Credits    68     
5    Tom Dumoulin (Ned) Team Giant-Alpecin    58     
6    Rui Costa (Por) Lampre - Merida    50     
7    Serge Pauwels (Bel) Dimension Data    40     
8    Stef Clement (Ned) IAM Cycling    35     
9    Diego Rosa (Ita) Astana Pro Team    27     
10    Winner Anacona (Col) Movistar Team    26

Classifica squadre dopo la 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France
1    BMC Racing Team    171:28:49     
2    Movistar Team    0:03:50     
3    Team Sky    0:07:42     
4    Astana Pro Team    0:22:25     
5    AG2R La Mondiale    0:38:48     
6    Trek-Segafredo    0:50:18     
7    Tinkoff Team    1:03:00     
8    Team Katusha    1:12:43     
9    Orica-BikeExchange    1:22:43     
10    IAM Cycling    1:22:58     
11    FDJ    1:26:40     
12    Team Giant-Alpecin    1:37:21     
13    Etixx - Quick-Step    1:56:34     
14    Lampre - Merida    2:00:32     
15    Bora-Argon 18    2:02:49     
16    Cofidis, Solutions Credits    2:10:17     
17    Team LottoNl-Jumbo    2:15:32     
18    Fortuneo - Vital Concept    2:40:59     
19    Direct Energie    2:51:56     
20    Cannondale-Drapac    2:53:59     
21    Dimension Data    3:08:38     
22    Lotto Soudal    3:31:55





istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 12a tappa del 103° Tour de France -184 km - Montpellier / Mont Ventoux ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet/G.Demouveaux/PresseSports/J.Prevost/S.Mantey
istantanee della 10a tappa del 103° Tour de France -197 km - Escaldes-Engordany / Revel ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet//G.Demouveaux
istantanee della 10a tappa del 103° Tour de France -197 km - Escaldes-Engordany / Revel ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet//G.Demouveaux
istantanee della 10a tappa del 103° Tour de France -197 km - Escaldes-Engordany / Revel ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet//G.Demouveaux
istantanee della 10a tappa del 103° Tour de France -197 km - Escaldes-Engordany / Revel ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet//G.Demouveaux
istantanee della 10a tappa del 103° Tour de France -197 km - Escaldes-Engordany / Revel ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet//G.Demouveaux
istantanee della 10a tappa del 103° Tour de France -197 km - Escaldes-Engordany / Revel ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet//G.Demouveaux
istantanee della 10a tappa del 103° Tour de France -197 km - Escaldes-Engordany / Revel ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet//G.Demouveaux
istantanee della 10a tappa del 103° Tour de France -197 km - Escaldes-Engordany / Revel ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet//G.Demouveaux
istantanee della 10a tappa del 103° Tour de France -197 km - Escaldes-Engordany / Revel ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet//G.Demouveaux
istantanee della 10a tappa del 103° Tour de France -197 km - Escaldes-Engordany / Revel ©Photo ASO/A.Broadway/O.Chabe/G.Demouveaux/B.Papon//B.Bade/P.Ballet//G.Demouveaux