Domenica a Cenicero (La Rioja) c’è Eroica Hispania. Si pedala un po’ anche lungo il Cammino di Santiago di Compostela pubblicato il 04/06/2016
Domenica a Cenicero (La Rioja) c’è Eroica Hispania. Si pedala un po’ anche lungo il Cammino di Santiago di Compostela

Gaiole in Chianti (SI), 4 giugno 2016 - Domenica 5 giugno a Cenicero, nella regione de La Rioja, è in programma la seconda edizione di Eroica Hispania, l’appuntamento spagnolo de L’Eroica che segue quello  di Eroica California (10 aprile), Eroica South Africa (23 aprile), Eroica Primavera (1 maggio) Eroica Japan (15 maggio) e precede Eroica Britannia (19 giugno), Eroica Limburg (3 luglio), L’Eroica (2 ottobre) e Eroica Punta del Este (4 dicembre). 
Il programma di Eroica Hispania prevede  tre giorni di eventi ispirati al ciclismo eroico, che in Spagna vanta campioni amati in tutto il mondo, alla conoscenza del territorio interessato  che, in parte, ricalca il tragitto del Cammino di Santiago di Compostela. Al via sono annunciati circa 850 appassionati con un vistoso incremento di partecipazione rispetto all’edizione 2015.
Il contributo di Giancarlo Brocci: “La Spagna, per me, è stata il ciclismo degli scalatori romantici, di quelli che in discesa quasi si fermavano, dei Don Chisciotte, dei cavalieri dalla triste figura, dello sfortunato Luis Ocana, dell'eroico Lejarreta che era sempre in sella, di Delgado e della sua Eroica in maglia gialla; e di un indimenticabile mondiale a Benidorm, quando due gentili, magnifici e bellissimi ciclisti si sfidarono e, per una volta, vinse il mio, Gianni Bugno sul monumentale Indurain. La Spagna, oltre al Paese che ha dato un romantico idioma alla mia amatissima America Latina, è il luogo dove si son lasciati i tori dell'Osborne sulle balze, dove tradizioni antiche sopravvivono perché sono forti identità, appartenenze e valori. Poi la Spagna condivide i Pirenei del mito, della storia del Tour, con la Francia; ed ha coltivato il culto del Camino de Santiago, la strada dell'anima, con le sue chiese e castelli, come nel mio Chianti. Nella Regione della Rjoca c'è anche tanto paesaggio simile al mio, dove l'uomo ha disegnato vigne splendide, che hanno conservato i loro camin de tierra e i colori a disegnare le stagioni.  
Infine ci sono Miguel Silvestre e Willy Mulonia. 
Il primo un personaggio incredibile di cui, soprattutto, ho straordinariamente apprezzato (in un "ragazzo" di 33 anni) la cultura e la condivisione della "visione", compresi i concetti che il mio Giro Bio ha provato a introdurre nel grande ciclismo giovane per renderlo limpido ed educativo, vera palestra di sport e di vita. 
E poi Willy Mulonía, l'uomo più simile al Brocci che mi è stato dato conoscere: prima il cuore, l'idea, la finalità, il valore da propugnare, anche l'avventura perché no, poi (molto poi) tutto il resto. Rapido, ma ben gradevole al sentire di pelle. 
Per ultima, non meno importante, l'accoglienza attenta, curiosa, socievole di un territorio magnifico e delle sue Istituzioni. 
Mia figlia Eroica starà benissimo in Spagna, amata da tanta bella gente.
Giancarlo Brocci
SHORT ROUTE This route includes a very accessible route for all types of cyclist. Its 63 km elapse between vineyards and characteristic towns of the culture of Rioja.
Started in Cenicero and we will ride to  Torremontalbo, a typical and characteristic village of 15 residents that still hosts one of the best preserved and inhabited castles of La Rioja. 
Cyclists need to be in good shape for this route as it is 112 km long and is characterized by a series of climbs and descents, with long rolling hills.
Up to Laguardia, the tour is the same as the short one.
This route covers part of Rioja Media and virtually all La Rioja Alta along its 198 km. Designed for fit and well-prepared cyclists who wish to enjoy its paths and roads.
At sunrise we will leave Cenicero and go through Huércanos and then Nájera, birthplace of Kings and municipality within the Camino de Santiago. 
We will leave the village the same way through Cordovín, famous for its characteristic wine named "clarete", elsewhere known as Rosé, Badarán, Estollo, and arriving at San Millán where the Yuso and Suso Monasteries, home of the Spanish language, were appointed UNESCO world heritage site in 1997. 
Il sito internet dell’evento:
Eroica Hispania takes place on Sunday in Cenicero (La Rioja) with a ride that follows a section of the Camino di Santiago di Compostel
On Sunday 5 June, in Cenicero, in the La Rioja region, the second edition of Eroica Hispania will take place. This is the Spanish encounter with L’Eroica and it follows those of Eroica California (10 April), Eroica South Africa (23 April), Eroica Primavera (1 May) and Eroica Japan (15 May) ) and precedes Eroica Britannia (19 June), Eroica Limburg (3 July), L’Eroica (2 October) and Eroica Punta del Este (4 December). 
The programme of the Eroica Hispania promises three days of events inspired by heroic cycling, Spain having produced many champions who were admired around the world. The event is also an opportunity to get to know the territory, which involves a section of the Camino di Santiago di Compostela. About 850 enthusiasts will line up to participate in an event which has seen a noteworthy increase in numbers since the 2015 edition. 
Giancarlo Brocci’s contribution: "We want people to rediscover the beauty of fatigue and the thrill of the conquest". For me, cycling in Spain is the cycling of climbers, those who almost come to a standstill on the downhill, Don Quixote, sad cavaliers, the unlucky Luis Ocana, the heroic Lejarreta who never left the saddle, Delgado and his Eroica in the yellow jersey; and the unforgettable world championships in Benidorm, where two gentle, magnificent and wonderful cyclists challenged each other and, for once, my guy, Gianni Bugno beat the monumental Indurain. 
Spain, as well as being the country which gave the romantic idiom to my beloved Latin America, is also the place where ancient traditions survive because the sense of identity, belonging and values are strong. Spain also shares the mythical, historical Pyrenees of the Tour with France; it has cultivated the cult of the Camino de Santiago, the road of the soul, with its churches and castles, just like my Chianti. The Rioja countryside is very similar to mine, where man has designed splendid vineyards, which have preserved their camin de tierra colours which paint the seasons. 
And then, there are the organizers of Eroica Hispania: Miguel Silvestre and Willy Mulonia.
The first is a truly incredible character whose knowledge and ‘vision’ (in a 33 year old ‘boy’), I hugely admire. Including his vision of the concepts which my Giro Bio tried to introduce into amateur cycling, to make it more limpid and educational, a real preparation for sport and for life. 
And then there’s Willy Mulronía, the man most like myself that I’ve ever had the chance to meet: his heart, his ideas, his aims and objectives, the values to be fought for, his sense of adventure and all the rest. He may be brusque but your gut instinct is to like him. 
Last but not least, the attentive, curious, sociable welcome of a magnificent land and its institutions. My daughter ‘Eroica’ will be very happy in Spain, loved by lots of fantastic people. 
Giancarlo Brocci
SHORT ROUTE This route includes a very accessible route for all types of cyclist. Its 63 km elapse between vineyards and characteristic towns of the culture of Rioja.
Started in Cenicero and we will ride to  Torremontalbo, a typical and characteristic village of 15 residents that still hosts one of the best preserved and inhabited castles of La Rioja. 
Cyclists need to be in good shape for this route as it is 112 km long and is characterized by a series of climbs and descents, with long rolling hills.
Up to Laguardia, the tour is the same as the short one.
This route covers part of Rioja Media and virtually all La Rioja Alta along its 198 km. Designed for fit and well-prepared cyclists who wish to enjoy its paths and roads.
At sunrise we will leave Cenicero and go through Huércanos and then Nájera, birthplace of Kings and municipality within the Camino de Santiago. 
We will leave the village the same way through Cordovín, famous for its characteristic wine named "clarete", elsewhere known as Rosé, Badarán, Estollo, and arriving at San Millán where the Yuso and Suso Monasteries, home of the Spanish language, were appointed UNESCO world heritage site in 1997. 
Event website:

