A Mantova nella 3a tappa del Giro Rosa la spunta LUCINDA BRAND! pubblicato il 06/07/2015

3 a tappa CURTATONE (MN) - MANTOVA Km 127,500 - 6 luglio 2015 ore 12:00

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La terza tappa del 26° Giro Rosa si snoda per 127.5 km sulle strade del Parco del Mincio, tra le province di Mantova e Verona. Lasciata la partenza dal Santuario delle Grazie di Curtatone, si prosegue verso nord fino a sfiorare il Lago di Garda nei pressi di Peschiera del Garda.

Dopo Valeggio sul Mincio si scollina all'unico GPM di giornata, posizionato a Monzambano e si fa rotta verso sud passando da Mantova per due volte prima della probabile volatona davanti a Palazzo Te.

E' una nuova occasione per le velociste, la seconda dopo BTC City - Ljubljana.

Le maglie del 26° Giro Rosa dopo la 2° tappa:

Maglia Rosa: Megan Guarnier (Boels Dolmans Pro Cycling Team)
Maglia Ciclamino: Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv)
Maglia Verde: Carlee Taylor (Lotto Soudal Ladies)
Maglia Bianca: Katarzyna Niewadoma (Rabo-Liv)
Maglia Blu: Elisa Longo Borghini (Wiggle Honda)





The third stage of the 26th Giro Rosa is on the roads of the Mincio River Park, in the Provinces of Mantova and Verona, for 127.5 km. After the start at the Santuario delle Grazie of Curtatone, the riders will go to north until reaching the Lake Garda near Peschiera del Garda. In Valeggio sul Mincio begins the short climb to Monzambano then back to south passing for three times in Mantova. The finish line is in front of Palazzo Te and this can be the second chance for the sprinters after the bunch sprint seen in BTC City - Ljubljana.

The 26th Giro Rosa Jerseys after Stage 2:

Pink Jersey: Megan Guarnier (Boels Dolmans Pro Cycling Team)
Ciclamino Jersey: Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv)
Green Jersey: Carlee Taylor (Lotto Soudal Ladies)
White Jersey: Katarzyna Niewadoma (Rabo-Liv)
Blue Jersey: Elisa Longo Borghini (Wiggle Honda)




Tanto spettacolo e grande caldo anche nella terza tappa del Giro Rosa 2015, che coi suoi 135 chilometri è stata la più lunga di questa edizione. Sul rettilineo di Palazzo Te è stata l'olandese Lucinda Brand ad avere la meglio, con una bella volata tra le nove fuggitive di giornata. La corsa si è animata sin dai primi chilometri, con la fuga di Lindsey Williams (Orica - AIS), la quale è stata ripresa poco prima del GPM di Monzambano, sul quale l'ha spuntata Flavia Oliveira su Carlee Taylor, che resta Maglia Verde seppure appaiata in classifica con l'atleta brasiliana della Alè-Cipollini. Successivamente parte la fuga definitiva del gruppo di nove atlete comprendenti Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv), Mayuko Hagiwara (Wiggle Honda), Valentina Scandolara (Orica-AIS), Malgorzata Jasinska (Alè-Cipollini), Chiara Pierobon (Top Girls Fassa Bortolo), Claudia Lichtenberg (Liv-Plantur), Elena Cecchini (Lotto Soudal Ladies), Daiva Tuslaite (Inpa Sottoli Giusfredi) e Loren Rowney (Velocio-SRAM): a circa 60 km dall'arrivo esce dal plotone Elena Franchi (Servetto Footon) resistendo per alcuni chilometri. Nel finale il vantaggio cala sensibilmente, grazie all'accelerazione delle squadre delle velociste, che in poco tempo si avvicinano alla fuga ma il ricongiungimento non riesce. All'attacco parte Valentina Scandolara che si riporta sulla fuga e si gioca lo sprint finale che però va alla Maglia Ciclamino Lucinda Brand sulla stessa veronese della Orica - AIS e sulla campionessa d'Italia Elena Cecchini. Resta immutata invece la classifica generale, con Megan Guarnier sempre in Maglia Rosa. 
Da segnalare la presenza all'arrivo di Mantova la presenza di Marianne Vos, tre volte vincitrice del Giro Rosa. La fuoriclasse olandese è arrivata a gioire per il successo della compagna di squadra e per abbracciare il direttore del Giro Giuseppe Rivolta, al quale ha ammesso di voler tornare a correre il Giro l'anno prossimo

Ordine di arrivo 3° tappa Giro Rosa (Curtatone - Mantova, 136 km)

1. Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv) 3h17'57''
2. Valentina Scandolara (Orica-AIS) +0''
3. Elena Cecchini (Lotto Soudal Ladies) +0''
4. Loren Rowney (Velocio - SRAM) +0''
5. Mayuko Hagiwara (Wiggle Honda) +0''
6. Daiva Tuslaite (Inpa Sottoli Giusfredi) +0''
7. Malgorzata Jasinska (Alè Cipollini) +0''
8. Claudia Lichtenberg (Liv-Plantur) +0'
9. Chiara Pierobon (Top Girls Fassa Bortolo) +10''
10. Annalisa Cucinotta (Alè Cipollini) +1'15''

Classifica generale dopo la seconda tappa:

1. Megan Guarnier (Boels Dolmans Cycling Team) 9h'07'01''
2. Anna Van der Breggen (Rabo-Liv) +2''
3. Ashleigh Moolman (Bigla Pro Cycling Team) +5''
4. Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv) +12''
5. Elisa Longo Borghini (Wiggle Honda) +13''
6. Evelyn Stevens (Boels Dolmans Cycling Team) +15''
7. Katarzyna Niewadoma (Rabo-Liv) +17''
8. Karol-Ann Canuel (Velocio-SRAM) +24''
9. Mara Abbott (Wiggle Honda) +37''
10. Elena Cecchini (Lotto Soudal Ladies) +43'' 

Le maglie del 26° Giro Rosa dopo la 3° tappa: 

Maglia Rosa: Megan Guarnier (Boels Dolmans Pro Cycling Team)
Maglia Ciclamino: Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv)
Maglia Verde: Carlee Taylor (Lotto Soudal Ladies)
Maglia Bianca: Katarzyna Niewadoma (Rabo-Liv)
Maglia Blu: Elisa Longo Borghini (Wiggle Honda)

Photocredits (c) Flaviano Ossola



A great show and still very high temperatures in the 3rd stage of the Giro Rosa 2015, the longest of this edition with its 136 km. On the finish line in Viale Te the Dutch National Champion Lucinda Brand has been the fastest in a small sprint between 9 escapists. The race was animated since the first kilometers, with the escape of Lindsey Williams (Orica - AIS), catched just before the KOM of Monzambano. Here the first to pass was Flavia Oliveira (Alè Cipollini) and Carlee Taylor at the second place. The Aussie rider of Lotto Soudal maintains the Green Jersey even with the same points of Oliveira in the KOM Classification. The escape of the day leaves after the climb and it's composed by 9 athletes: Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv), Mayuko Hagiwara (Wiggle Honda), Valentina Scandolara (Orica-AIS), Malgorzata Jasinska (Alè-Cipollini), Chiara Pierobon (Top Girls Fassa Bortolo), Claudia Lichtenberg (Liv-Plantur), Elena Cecchini (Lotto Soudal Ladies), Daiva Tuslaite (Inpa Sottoli Giusfredi) and Loren Rowney (Velocio-SRAM). At about 60 km from the finish there was the attack by Elena Franchi (Servetto Footon) who resisted for some kilometers. The peloton accelerates with the teams of the sprinters in the front, but it's not enough. Lucinda Brand has won the stage and improves her leadership in the Points Classification. Second Place for Valentina Scandolara, and third for the National Italian Champion Elena Cecchini. Almost nothing changed in the General Classification, with Megan Guarnier still in Pink Jersey. 
The three times Giro winner Marianne Vos has come to Mantova to see the stage finish and the victory of her team colleague Lucinda Brand. The Giro Director Giuseppe Rivolta has welcome Marianne and she admitted to desire of racing the Giro Rosa.

Top 10 3rd Stage 26th Giro Rosa (Curtatone - Mantova, 136 km)

1. Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv) 3h17'57''
2. Valentina Scandolara (Orica-AIS) +0''
3. Elena Cecchini (Lotto Soudal Ladies) +0''
4. Loren Rowney (Velocio - SRAM) +0''
5. Mayuko Hagiwara (Wiggle Honda) +0''
6. Daiva Tuslaite (Inpa Sottoli Giusfredi) +0''
7. Malgorzata Jasinska (Alè Cipollini) +0''
8. Claudia Lichtenberg (Liv-Plantur) +0'
9. Chiara Pierobon (Top Girls Fassa Bortolo) +10''
10. Annalisa Cucinotta (Alè Cipollini) +1'15''

General Classification after Stage 3:

1. Megan Guarnier (Boels Dolmans Cycling Team) 9h'07'01''
2. Anna Van der Breggen (Rabo-Liv) +2''
3. Ashleigh Moolman (Bigla Pro Cycling Team) +5''
4. Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv) +12''
5. Elisa Longo Borghini (Wiggle Honda) +13''
6. Evelyn Stevens (Boels Dolmans Cycling Team) +15''
7. Katarzyna Niewadoma (Rabo-Liv) +17''
8. Karol-Ann Canuel (Velocio-SRAM) +24''
9. Mara Abbott (Wiggle Honda) +37''
10. Elena Cecchini (Lotto Soudal Ladies) +43'' 

The Jerseys of the 26th Giro Rosa after the third stage: 

Maglia Rosa: Megan Guarnier (Boels Dolmans Pro Cycling Team)
Maglia Ciclamino: Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv)
Maglia Verde: Carlee Taylor (Lotto Soudal Ladies)
Maglia Bianca: Katarzyna Niewadoma (Rabo-Liv)

Maglia Blu: Elisa Longo Borghini (Wiggle Honda)

Photocredits (c) Flaviano Ossola



Mayuko Hagiwara On The Attack In Giro Rosa Stage Three

Wiggle Honda Dream Team Professional Cycling

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Wiggle Honda Pro Cycling’s Mayuko Hagiwara took her turn to attack in the 2015 Giro Rosa, and finished in fifth place at the end of the third stage, between Curtatone and Mantova, as part of a breakaway group of nine. The Japanese Champion lifted herself up to twelfth place in the general classification, and now sits just 54 seconds behind race leader Megan Guarnier (Boels-Dolmans).

The stage was won by Points Classification leader Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv), ahead of Valentina Scandolara (Orica-AIS) and Italian Champion Elena Cecchini (Lotto-Soudal).

“I am in a strong team, and that’s how I could make an escape with the other teams,” said Hagiwara. “The early climb was not so hard, but the bunch was moving before the GPM, and that’s how the breakaway was able to happen.

“I just followed some riders. I just turned because we have Giorgia [Bronzini] and Jolien [D’hoore] in the bunch, so I didn’t need to work full gas.”

The 127.5km stage featured just one major obstacle, the 3rd category climb at Monzambano after 49.5km, and the breakaway got clear shortly after this. The group was able to build a lead of almost five minutes before a reaction from the peloton saw this come down in the closing kilometres.

“I saw the time gap, but also in the breakaway there was no Boels or Bigla, so I thought that they would close the gap and maybe the bunch would be altogether,” Hagiwara explained. “But we have a sprinter so I don’t mind!

“Lucinda Brand also didn’t work in the breakaway, because she had the white jersey in the big bunch. But in the end she was smart, and strong in the sprint, and she won. She’s strong.”

Once it was clear that the break was going to hold off the peloton, the attacks began. Hagiwara briefly got away with Polish Champion Malgorzata Jasinska (Alé-Cipollini), but the two of them were chased down by the others and all nine arrived at the finish together.

“I followed the attack from Malgorzata from Cipollini,” Hagiwara said. “She was impressive in the attack. Today was maybe a mistake; I have to attack more in the final kilometres or something, it was just that I hesitated over what to do in the final.”

The main bunch crossed the line one minute and 15 seconds behind the breakaway, with the rest of the Wiggle Honda Pro Cycling riders finishing safely within it.

With Hagiwara’s rise up the general classification, Wiggle Honda Pro Cycling new has three riders within a minute of the pink jersey. Elisa Longo Borghini remains in the Best Italian Rider’s jersey, just 13 seconds behind Guarnier, while two-time Giro winner Mara Abbott is just 37 seconds back.

“It was not so bad today,” Hagiwara smiled. “We still have a week of really hard stages, so I want to work hard for Mara and Elisa in the GC and hopefully one of them can take the pink jersey. In the GC we can put pressure on the other teams, but after stage five there could be big gaps on the big climb, so we’ll see who is best in the GC.

“Yesterday we were very sad, and missing two strong riders, but I can work hard,” Hagiwara concluded, referring to the loss of Audrey Cordon-Ragot and Anna Sanchis, who were both forced to abandon after crashing. “We lost two riders, but I decided that I can work harder every day!”

1. Lucinda Brand (Rabo-Liv)
2. Valentina Scandolara (Orica-AIS)
3. Elena Cecchini (Lotto-Soudal)

5. Mayuko Hagiwara (Wiggle Honda Pro Cycling)


 ;   942_ordine arrivo3a.pdf   942_classifica generale 3a.pdf   942_calss punti 3a.pdf   942_calssGPM.pdf

A Mantova nella 3a tappa del Giro Rosa la spunta LUCINDA BRAND!
A Mantova nella 3a tappa del Giro Rosa la spunta LUCINDA BRAND!
A Mantova nella 3a tappa del Giro Rosa la spunta LUCINDA BRAND!
A Mantova nella 3a tappa del Giro Rosa la spunta LUCINDA BRAND!